Arcturians – Light Code Message

Dear brothers of planet Earth! WE ARE THE ARCTURIANS!

Participating in this great journey of the Light Codes makes us very happy. It is a way of being able to be beside you. 

We are your brothers. Do not see us as something that might harm you in any way. We are elevated beings; we vibrate Unconditional Love only. Our presence on Earth is close. We will make ourselves known to those with a heart prepared for new adventures. 

You know nothing of the universe. We can say that we can stay for hours and hours and hours telling our tales, telling everything we know—everything you were prevented from knowing. You will marvel at everything possible and how things work and find everything you will yet live very, very interesting. 

Believe: a whole new world awaits you. The Fifth Dimension has nothing to do with the world you live in today. It is entirely different. And we will be here, ready to guide you, help you, and teach you to live each necessary step to be taken. 

Do not be afraid. Fear is something we have not felt for a long time. There is nothing to fear. There is nothing to be uneasy about. Believe: you will be with us very soon. The whole process is running fast but peacefully. There will be some setbacks along the way, indeed. Rocks, obstacles, difficulties, we might even say pain and suffering. But everything will be within Divine Love and order. 

And be certain: nothing will be in vain, and everything that happens will have a purpose. Nothing will be out of malice or unfairness. The justice of the universe will be made on this planet. You might be a bit scared, but this is how the universe works. Fear nothing. Have confidence and believe you are already victorious. 

The timelines of the future for you have already been exposed to us. And be certain: victory is certain. The Light will vibrate fully on this planet, and you will begin to live in a New Era, a New World, a new path. And may we be friends like children who get to know themselves in the first days of school. We will learn to live together, with one another, with much Love and much peace.

The Light Code message is the following:

“Love is the foundation of everything.

It is Love that keeps everything working perfectly.

Love brings the peace of the heart.

And Love brings the Light to my walk.”

When finishing these words, say this one three times: Syncopium! Syncopium! Syncopium!

And believe, my brothers, everything will be alright. Fear nothing. We are with you, all of us. And, at the right moment, when you least expect, we will be beside you. 

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