Arcturians – On Our Treating Machines

Dear brothers and sisters of this beautiful blue planet! WE ARE THE ARCTURIANS!

Long ago we came to your planet, not just now. We have always been here, assisting the human race, bringing health and healing to many diseases. Everything on your planet has been designed to produce imbalance over time, so that more and more of you will keep your vibrations low. To this was added all that you consume and that you breathe, causing more and more of your bodies to become ill and increasingly enrich them.

Today some of you are already aware that you are able to heal your own cells. So why do you need medicines? However, your bodies today are still unable to achieve the equilibrium you desire for self-healing. Naturally, as your consciousness expands and you become more confident in your ability to heal yourself, many illnesses fade away. We’re not here to urge you to stop taking your meds; you still need medication because your bodies haven’t reached a point where they can function without them.

But you are seeking healing. Healing at the soul level, healing at the physical level; and this work we have been doing for a very long time. We didn’t come here now, we have been here since it was all planned for the diseases to strike, as a counterpoint to give you at least a prospect of healing, so that this race would not be totally decimated. Diseases have appeared over time, causing countless deaths, but you always manage to overcome them. There is always the help of the Beings of Light, not just us.

There is a whole team of beings prepared specifically for this purpose, and you manage to overcome each of these illnesses. We can say that everything didn’t turn out exactly as we planned. We propagated beneficial healing, and a number of things were manipulated on top of that. But, in some ways, the healing took place. So, don’t be afraid of anything today. Don’t be fearful of anything that appears to be a cure, since manipulation of any sort is no longer an option. It’s over.

The last major pandemic that you witnessed on this planet was something quite different from what had happened before. But it is precisely because of our actions—ours and the entire universe’s healing team—that today you can no longer say you are in a pandemic. It will remain in effect in your world, but without the element of mortality. Because a lot depends on your consciousness and heart, a lot depends on the souls’ decisions, a lot depends on the souls’ choices of whether to stay or depart. And rest assured, many people have regarded this illness as the perfect opportunity to end human life on earth.

We are prepared to deliver healing to all the inhabitants of the planet. There is one issue: we must proceed with extreme caution. We need to put these machines in the right hands so that they are no more of a draw, a selective draw, for those who manipulate everything. So trust me when I say that we’ll know exactly where to place it and how to do it, so that more and more of the people on the planet who need it most will be reached. We’ll start with the most vulnerable, those for whom there is no cure on your planet. We will, however, always respect the path of the soul.

We can say that everyone will be allowed to participate, but will not have the expected result of 100% because everything will be determined by the Father/Mother God’s will. Father/Mother God never intended suffering for any son. Father/Mother God is just love, but your own souls chose to suffer, chose to go through all that you had done to others. And this will be honored until that soul realizes that ascension doesn’t happen through suffering. There are other, nobler feelings that will help this soul cleanse itself of all the evil it has caused over time.

So don’t expect miracles; we don’t perform miracles; we cleanse your bodies of everything that prevents you from having a long life; then many rejuvenate, but this is not the purpose of the treatments. We are not here to ennoble beauty or to focus on youth; rather, we are ready to cleanse their bodies of all that has been contaminated over time. It’s like being in a filthy room where you can’t see the beauty because there’s so much dirt. But, if you clean it, tidy it up, and paint the walls, the room will feel brand new.

So this is what happens in your bodies: by removing all of the dirt and contaminants from your cells, you will appear younger, but this is not the treatment’s primary goal. The treatment aims to cleanse and heal everything that is feasible. Do not expect your governments to carry out this task; instead, it will be carried out by members of our light teams, who will know exactly how to attract the right people. The procedure will not take place as it does in your world, without criteria or organization. We will know how to do it.

Don’t expect treatments around every corner; otherwise, it will become a source of contention for you. Yes, it will be done; yes, it is being planned; but those in charge of your planet today will not be the ones who will coordinate all of this action. It will be our representatives on your planet, totally dressed in Unconditional Love. And we’ll have to be cautious since the very nature of the human mind will make many feel wronged.

So, it won’t be an easy job, it won’t be an easy choice, but we know exactly who to target. So, don’t imagine that there will be a profusion of these machines on your planet. Where will they be? You won’t know. Each person will be taken to them. It will be a little different than what it is in your world. We cannot allow ourselves to get caught up in the way your governments manipulate the health of the people. We are Beings of Light who have Unconditional Love, and we will not be the ones to choose anyone.

The Beings of Light who are orchestrating this entire process will bring people to us; everyone will be brought. So don’t expect this to be something that is open, disseminated, or spread in your world. If this is the case, we will not achieve our goal. The soul’s journey will determine the selection. As soon as the human race becomes aware of what is going on, then we will be able to have a dissemination. We will be able to disseminate information as soon as the human race becomes aware of what is going on. We will be able to increase the number of machines and reach out to more people. However, for this to happen, the planet’s population must raise their consciousness, open their hearts, and vibrate Unconditional Love.

We can never surrender to what is happening on your planet, to the manipulation and segregation that happens on your planet. So, we know what we’re going to do. These treatments should not be mistaken for rejuvenation machines. Many are already imagining only this, and they’re neglecting those who are suffering, those who have terminal illnesses, and those who are dying, to the detriment of a beauty model created on your planet.

So, don’t expect anything from us. We are beings with Unconditional Love; we do not look at beauty; we look at the cleanliness of your cells. That’s all there is to it. And the cure for those who can be cured. Unfortunately, we can see how things are spread out on your planet in absolutely erroneous and senseless ways. But, as you are aware, we are not here to join the human race; rather, we are here to serve a purpose: the purpose of the Light in supporting those who require assistance and who can be served in the manner in which you believe. It will be in the form chosen by the Father/Mother God. It will take the form decided on by the curatorial team working on this project.

Now, we recommend that you seek equilibrium. Do not believe that you can, from now on, simply contaminate your bodies and then get to the machines to be cleansed. That will not happen. Do not expect this kind of assistance. We’re talking about disease healing, not the

healing of people who continue to contaminate their bodies on purpose. This will also be a criterion for separation.

So, continue to seek balance, because only then will you be chosen if you require healing. I’ll say it again: it won’t be humans who choose you. We know the people of this planet well. The selection will not be like that, and when it happens, you won’t have our energy. We will know exactly how to act.

Continue in the balance, and only in this way will you get there, with or without the help of our machines. We are just explaining to many what our assistance will be. Think of the others. Think of those who really need help. Exercise Unconditional Love. Don’t exercise the ego.

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