Ashtar Sheran – Accept everything with the heart

Dear brothers and Sisters of Planet Earth! I AM ASHTAR SHERAN!

I come with great joy to bring you a little peace, a little calm. Let’s say that right now the surface of this planet is a little confused. Many bad things are happening; bad things within your capacity to understand what you really are.

A lot is being changed. It’s all part of the process. You might ask: “Are wars also part of the process?” I would say that any action that comes from any human is part of the process. Not that it needed to happen, but it is happening. And I can assure you that there are ways and means for things to happen.

You need to understand. Everyone who takes part in each process has made a choice: they have chosen to be where they are or they have chosen to be where they are. Nothing is a coincidence or happens by chance. All reactions are the result of actions. Look carefully at everything that happens. We’re not just sitting back and watching. We’ve intervened in a lot of things and we can tell you: everything could be a lot worse if we hadn’t intervened.

There is a limit to how far we may go. And we are respecting this limit. At no time, in the name of anything, can we encroach on humanity’s free will. You make the choices, you reap the results. Just believe me, what needs to be looked at right now is the inner transformation of each one of you.

It’s time to look inside yourselves, to clean out those little cubicles where you’ve kept so many old and useless things, and clean them out. But all of it inside you. It’s time to put out everything that you still can’t easily swallow, but this doesn’t mean that putting it out means to aggress a brother, it means that putting it out means putting it in your hands and dealing with it.

This is the moment; Self-analysis. It’s not self-punishment, because nobody is punishing themselves. You’ve done a lot of wrong things, that’s true, but there’s no point in crucifying yourself or judging yourself or self-injuring yourself for having done what you did. Now is the time to look at each thing and let forgiveness act, because only in this way will these energies be dissolved.

You have no idea what you still need to clean up. Many people think that they are ready, that they are already perfect, that they don’t need to do anything else, but they can’t see the path that lies behind, the trail that their soul has left. And this path needs to be cleared, this trail needs to be erased. But how to do that? By looking at yourself, by looking at your imperfections in the small moments, by looking at your small faults, your small intransigences, everything that throws you off balance.

Nothing is hidden. The trail is coming out, only you don’t want to see it, you don’t like to see it. You prefer to delude yourselves, thinking that… “Everything is fine, I have nothing to do”, when in fact there is still a lot to be done. Ask your Higher Self to help you understand and clear your path, to help you see every mistake, every problem with the eyes of Love, and to help you solve them, to finish them.

Everyone’s Higher Self is the Master who commands the soul, the Master who commands the journey. He knows everything and doesn’t hide anything from you, all you have to do is ask to see. So don’t be afraid to see. Don’t be afraid to come into contact with your own mistakes. Don’t be afraid of what is coming to light. Everything is to cleanse them, everything is to eliminate these old energies.

Be grateful for every point you can see, because therein lies the path to resolving each one. We are in your skies, intensely. Many see us every day, and many who didn’t believe we existed stop to look for us in the sky today. And why is this happening? Because when we appear, we create a great current of Love, which is emanated to the planet, and when someone connects with one of our ships, they receive this Love in its entirety and can see which intention we have come. Only peace, help and Light.

Be like children again. Remove from your minds so many rules, so many useless beliefs that have been placed upon you. Believe what you see. Don’t doubt anything. Everything exists. And a lot of what you call legends or fantasies is because they weren’t accepted by everyone and because they had to be seen as magic, as something evil, so that you wouldn’t connect.

But the elementals are there. Magic is on the planet. And whoever connects with it will be able to see the truth, the truth that has always been hidden, the truth that has always been concealed, the truth that has always been modified so that you don’t have access to it. Open your hearts. Connect with the Divine Presence, and at this moment be ready to see things that you have never seen, but which exist, and which, above all, are of the Light.

Believe me, my brothers, ascension is happening, for Gaia and for all of you. Whoever catches this vacuum will be taken very far. Now don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid of where you will be taken, because if fear comes, you will be put out. Just believe. This vacuum is Light, it is Love and it is a Spark of Father/Mother God. This vacuum is the path of ascension, which is fast and needs to be fast.

So let him take you. Surrender to him. Don’t oppose anything. Go through everything with gratitude, because each point is a learning experience, and possibly the completion of something. Surrender to the whole movement. Feel what you feel in your bodies. They also are being changed, they also will experience some problems, but your doctors won’t diagnose anything, because these are the changes that need to be made for ascension.

So just accept everything with gratitude and joy, because if you’re going through this, it’s a sign that you’re on the path, and your body is being transformed, your path is being changed. So be grateful and be happy about it. Don’t complain, don’t take it for the wrong side, just surrender, because it will all pass. Nothing is eternal. Everything passes.

So just believe that the changes are happening, on the planet and in you. And never forget, the journey is unique, it’s yours. The other person’s journey belongs to them, not to you. So take care of your journey, because everyone at this moment is effectively reaping what they have sown, or are being served in the choices they have made.

Translated by: Ivana Bueno

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