Dear Brothers of the Planet Earth! I AM ASHTAR SHERAN!
Many of you miss my messages, but I am close to you. I am at the side of each of you who places yourself on the path to ascension, which opens your heart to receive light, peace, and all the energies inherent to ascension. A quantum of my consciousness is by your side.
We are preparing for the great moment. I recognize that it takes a little while, longer than you imagined. But it is because of our Unconditional Love that nothing can be done abruptly or with little planning. Your world is already too messed up for us to bring more disharmony and imbalance. So it will all be done slowly, extremely light so that with each scare, you begin to get back on your feet, waiting for the next one.
We will not make triumphal entrances. We will not appear en bloc in your skies; that would bring so much despair that it would be as if we were condemning the souls of this planet to succumb in the same instant. So everything will be done quietly, or rather as quietly as possible. Many of you think that everything we have said is a lie. We will do nothing. We are doing nothing because your world has no signs of improvement, no signs of justice, no signs of what you in your hearts expect.
We completely understand how you feel, but you are the way you are because of this rampant anxiety. While living your lives, if you would think only of the present moment, none of you would get out of balance. But all the time, you think about tomorrow, in the future: “What will happen, what will I do, what will it be like…?” This creates such an imbalance in your bodies that it only attracts one thing: more disease. So why live in the future? Live the present.
Maybe you know this, but you never realize that your anxieties don’t make anything happen. Stop to think about something you want very much. Does the fact that you are anxious about it makes it happen? Then I’ll give you another answer. We have repeatedly said that you need to focus on what you want. But what would this focus be like? Thinking every second of the day about what you want? That is anxiety, not focus.
Focus is creating in your heart that which is the object of desire and simply trusting that at the right time, at the right moment, it will come. “Oh, but if we don’t put focus on it, it doesn’t grow.” I agree, but what kind of focus do you have to put? Whenever you remember your object of desire, go into your heart and say, “Let it come at the right time for my balance; let it come at the right time for the All and me!” This is putting focus. This is wanting to be in your heart, but handing it over; handing it over to Father/Mother God to accomplish that act; he knows the right time.
And I would say more; behind the fulfillment of a desire, there is a journey and lessons to be learned. So all this interferes with the completion of that desire. So when you put your heart into asking for what you want: “I wish for this, this, and this. But let it come at the right time for my balance!” So there, you are putting the focus, you are feeding the desire, but you are not getting anxious, you are not damaging your health.
In the same way, what is to come, you want it to happen. Why? We understand that you want to eliminate all this suffering you are experiencing. Still, I am sorry to tell you that this suffering will only end when you ascend. So the road is still very long. Don’t imagine that the planet will be wonderful after the great awakening because it won’t be. On the contrary, you will have much contrary to everything you desire. Because not everybody will be ready to receive what is coming.
So why so much anxiety, why so many wanting everything to happen soon? So many are anxious about the Gesara/Nesara. I just tell you: whatever has to come to your hands will come, regardless of whether or not the Gesara/Nesara is implemented. It is all part of one’s journey. There is no need to speed it up because nothing will come. Learn to trust and be sure that everything will happen for the best of each of you, never for the worst.
Again, the great awakening will not generate a beautiful and harmonious planet. It will be tough times, and many will even say: “Why did I want this to happen so badly?” And they will regret it. But as we have already said, it will be up to you to vibrate what you want. If you continue on the path of evolution, you vibrate higher than most. So don’t get involved with what those below are getting involved with. Because then you will be pulled into that chaos.
So just stay focused on your own walks. Don’t suffer the suffering of those who have not been able to learn anything. They only want to live violence, greed, and fleeting pleasures and have forgotten Love. For these, there is no way out, no solution, no remedy. They will leave, and in the way we think is best, Gaia will know how to do it.
Then, it won’t be up to you to suffer their suffering; they are at another level, those souls are in another time, and they still need to walk a long way to get where you are. So don’t get involved with those who are further down. Stay in balance. Focus on your own walks. And more and more, you will distance yourself from that effervescent cake that will become the planet.
It will not be easy for anyone, not even for you. So many of those around you will be part of that cake, and will not accept it, rebel, and I would even say against you. So this will be, may I say, the biggest battle you will have. To exercise pure Unconditional Love for those around you, those who don’t believe, condemn you and are against everything that is happening. And you will have to stand up, be confident, and not let yourself be shaken.
Relationships will be broken, lives will be changed, and it will be up to you to choose: To remain attached to those who resist change or follow your own path? The choice will be up to each one of you. So don’t look forward to wonderful and flowery times. Yes, there will be flowers, peace, harmony, and Love in abundance. Everything will be abundant, but for those who stay tall, on the path, and confident that they are heading towards the New World. For these, it will be a blooming world, even if next to them is a representative of that other way.
Just turn off, let him talk to himself, get away from him, and don’t suffer for looking at him and seeing so much evolutionary ignorance. Just don’t get involved. And unfortunately, you will have to make a decision. To go on your way or to stay attached to that person? So each case is a case. And be sure, for each of you who go through this problem, we will be there, by your side, taking care, not of you, but taking care of those who are by your side. So that they can find their way and you can make the choices confidently and without suffering.
We are not here to bring suffering to anybody, but there will be losses and separations. So why all the anxiety? Why keep asking the heavens for everything to happen quickly? The longer it takes, the easier it will be. It’s up to you to trust, to believe, and follow the path every second, not thinking about the latter, living the now with lots of Unconditional Love in your heart. Then you will learn to have more and more balance and become stronger and stronger, and… I would say, unshakeable to whatever happens around each of you.