Dear Brothers and Sisters of Planet Earth, I AM ASHTAR SHERAN!
We are celebrating, and our hearts are full of joy. We fly all the time in the skies of your planet; many see us. And the most interesting thing is the explanations that are given when we are visible to those who make the news. We like to see what they try to make you believe, and believe whoever wants to.
Everything is within the purpose of Father/Mother God. We are appearing little by little, and it’ll intensify every day; we’ll make appearances with our Mother Ships. It’ll cause a lot of panic because there will be no explanation; nothing on your planet will reach the size of our Mother Ship. So what will they say? You are being invaded, and we are here to kill you all and take over the planet. And unfortunately, the vast majority will believe in it, and farces will be set up to demonstrate it. They will have no pity about bombing places on and putting the blame on us.
It’s all foreseen; this is all already adequately planned by us and what we will do now. There is no longer anything to fear; the Light arrives with maximum intensity, transmuting consciousnesses and ideas, and more and more truths appear. We can say that you are at the top of a giant iceberg that is shown, and what is below slowly rises, showing all that needs to be shown.
Fear nothing; he who trusts in the Light can fear nothing. The only thing to fear are your own steps, ideas, and feelings, and nothing from the outside. We would never make the slightest shift to hurt any human on this planet. On the contrary, we are defending this planet and the human race.
We could have already done many things on your planet to usher in the Great Age effectively. The webs of those who have come here and dominated this planet are interwoven with yours. So if we hit each one of them, we would hit you. So the role now is one of raising each human consciousness, because the human consciousness that boosted the strength of this web is gone. It’s as if it dries up around it, so it’s losing strength because many are awakening and listening to their hearts.
Then there will come a point when this web will be weak but not totally destroyed because there will always be those who condone this whole process of evil and violence. Then the webs will still have strong points, but they will be practically beatable without much difficulty. All in good time; the human race needs to wake up as a whole; the human race needs to stop looking through the eyes of the Matrix and see its real position on this planet.
There is no more manipulation, no more mind control. What counts now is the will of each heart, which is the choice of what to follow—to follow toward the Light or in the opposite direction. Don’t wait for miracles; the destruction of the web around you is your responsibility; it’s you who have to change, you who have to evolve, and you who have to love unconditionally. By following these steps, you destroy what is around you, and you’ll be another soldier of the light. You should definitely walk towards the Light.
Many are waiting for miracles, and many continue living the same way they have always lived, thinking that in the future there will be a liquid that will be taken and transform everyone; this doesn’t exist. There will be no ransoms, no miracles. There must be evolution; there must be growth; there must be only unconditional Love. Then you will be ready, and everything around you will collapse; nothing will hold you back any longer. And more and more, you will see truths causing your consciousness to expand.
This is the way—don’t put out the change; the change is internal, totally internal. You need to change and make new choices; nobody will do it for you. So if you don’t feel ready to make new choices, if you think there will be a miracle and suddenly you will change, you have already made a choice; you are going in the opposite direction of the Light. Nothing will be from the outside in; everything will be from the inside out, and it is only in this way that you will walk towards the Light.
Don’t fool yourselves, and don’t get attached to anything external. We will help those who want to change, those who want to evolve, and those who want to go toward the Light. But it is not transforming you; it is helping you to change, to have the strength to keep changing, to choose the right path; that is our role. But we will not change anyone because you have free will, and whoever commands your actions is you alone from the inside out.
It doesn’t hurt to repeat: Don’t expect miracles, don’t expect rescues, and don’t expect miraculous formulas to evolve. Everything needs to happen within each one of you; only then will you be able to follow the right path. You will have much help from us regarding the planet so that you can minimize what lies ahead. But even these actions will have to be very much desired by each of you.
We will be partners; we won’t just act and you will watch; there will be a partnership, and then you can count on us. So realize that everything is about choices. But be sure of one single point: nothing will come from the outside, and all change will come from the inside out.