Ashtar Sheran – Everything is already Happening

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM ASHTAR SHERAN!

Our presence is increasingly awakened in the skies of this planet. Many are asking themselves: “What’s going on? Are they going mad?” Many are terrified. Because they remember their movies, the invasions, and the attacks and expect something similar at any moment. Many people’s hearts are pounding. And they don’t really understand why.  “Why do I feel this way every time I become certain that my family is looking for me?” Yes, that’s how they feel.

The awakening is happening. A lot of attention is needed at this time. Many awakened people will fall asleep. Yes. Many who are walking the path of evolution today will not be able to bear what is to come. They think they’re strong, they think they’re ready, but at the moment they can’t take it; they’ll want to stop everything and carry on with their lives as normal as if that were possible.

Nothing will ever be the same again. Everything will become permanently different. Nothing will ever be the same again. So this is a sweet illusion. Many will wake up, or awaken, as they wish.  And that will be a very strong feeling. Now you will also need to have a very strong heart so that you are led to the right path; so that you are not led astray by false prophets; by so many people who today call themselves channels.

It’s amazing how popular this word has become. As if it’s something you go to a store and buy, and then you have the gift. What’s more, I’d say it’s a mission. Being a channel is not a gift. They are soul agreements. They are missions of the soul and the vast majority don’t understand that. They think they are suddenly different, and because they heard a single word, they are ready to speak to crowds.

In these times and in those to come, be very careful. There will be lots of mouths. There will be thousands of messages. But which ones will actually come from the source they claim to be? Many will even bring messages of hope, messages very similar to the ones we pass on. But subliminally they will bring a different energy.  And those who connect with them will be in danger. Because their hearts will be flooded with negative energies.

So I would say to each of you who is already on the path: Don’t look for what you don’t want. Remain in the confidence of those you already know. There are extremely capable and enlightened channels. And if you already know them today, keep believing in them. Because it is through them that we will bring you the great truths.

Those who appear to be of the Light, beware! They only appear to be. Because they are not aware of what they are doing. You are being manipulated by opposing energies into saying things that you like to hear. But behind the messages, there will always be something not beneficial.

So be very careful with the research, with the news. Many will bring a lot of news. Many will bring dates and processes; and I’ll say more, many will even bring preparations. Many will point out the locations of our apparitions. But it won’t be us who appear. Because when we show up, everyone will know. Not just a small number. It will be a global announcement. Not specific.

So, my brothers, the hour of truth is approaching. Minds are scrambled, many. Many doubts. Who to believe? Who to follow? What to learn? I say to each of you who is already on this journey, be very careful. Stay true to your own path; to what your heart has chosen. Don’t look outside for anything else. Because there are no more revelations or teachings to be made. Everything that needs to be said has already been said.

So watch out for big revelations, wherever they come from. Be ready for the blows. Be ready for lies. Be ready for powerful energies. Yes, they are powerful. They control the planet. So you need a pure heart. You always need an enlightened heart. You always need to emanate love and joy.

Don’t get carried away by fights, arguments, or friction; no matter how much you provoke them. This is their deal. Take each of you off balance. Since you can no longer make yourselves believe. So you need to get out of balance. You need to lower your vibrations so that they can act more intensely. So keep it together.

Whoever offends you, be grateful. Because there’s an opportunity for you not to fight back, not to dispute, and to show that you can keep your balance. If someone tells you something you don’t like, be grateful. Because at that moment, you’ll stop to think how much you’ve learned about yourself. And it doesn’t get to you anymore. If someone attacks you, be grateful. Because you’ll be able to show them that you’re not like them. That you simply won’t react, because love reigns in your heart.

So, my brothers, the time has come for you to show what you have really learned. Follow the path you have already chosen. Don’t look for new paths. They could be false paths.  And always be in balance. Seek balance at all times. You have already learned many mantras. So when you feel imbalance coming on, mantra your words. Call for a being of Light. Envelop yourself in Light; whatever color. But know how to protect yourself.

The war has already begun. They are already at work. And so are we. The cleansing of the planet’s surface has already begun. Don’t be surprised. Don’t be moved. Don’t take sides. Don’t trust either “A” or “B”. Trust only in what you believe. And what your heart brings you. There’s no more to hide.

The truths will come out. Deep and cruel. But they will be truths. And the Law of Truth is a very powerful law. Because the truth throws away false beliefs, false faces, and false attitudes. Leaving only what is true. Which can be seen with the naked eye by each and every one of you.

Fear nothing. Fear nothing. Fear nothing. You have Beings of Light all around you; just a thought away. What is there to fear? Nothing. All you have to do is not take the first step towards the false, towards what appears to be, but in fact, will not be. Whoever keeps themselves in balance, whoever keeps themselves in the Light, whoever keeps themselves without doubt, won’t be drawn anywhere. Because they will be in balance with their own truths. Whoever keeps themselves in balance, whoever keeps themselves in the Light, whoever keeps themselves without doubt, won’t be drawn anywhere. Because they will be in balance with their own truths.

Now, those who…, “Hmm! I don’t believe that much”. Those who believe more or less will be attracted to new experiences. Be ready for them. Be ready to live them. But never forget, we’ll still be there. Perhaps not a thought away. Because right now, where there is doubt, we move away. Because doubt is a powerful negative energy. But if you open your heart again and ask us for help, we will immediately protect you. We won’t judge you. We won’t abandon you.

Be ready, my brothers. Everything is already happening. And what is everything? Be open-hearted and you will know.

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