Ashtar Sheran – God the Father and Mother Doesn’t Impose Anything, It’s Your Choice

Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM ASHTAR SHERAN!

My life here today is necessary, to shake up a little the minds of those who continue to think that everything is a trap of their own world. Open your consciousness, my brothers!

Let’s understand something: Are you aware and sure of the size of the universe? No, you don’t. You look up in the sky, see only stars, and think that this is all there is in a piece that you can see. I would say that this is the height of ego, it is the height of lack of perspective about everything.

Father/Mother God is an immense and immeasurable energy, but he wasted all this time creating only one planet: yours. It really is putting yourself in the place where you think you are privileged, then you have God the Father/Mother only for the inhabitants of this planet. Stop to think if this is not the most absurd truth you have ever been told. Stop for a moment, come out of your ego shell, and look around you.

Do you realize how big the universe is? I ask again. Ah, but you also don’t believe when scientists show you how many galaxies there are in the universe. “No, it’s all a hoax, it’s all there to confuse us. There is only this planet and nothing else. So I’ll tell you something: open your consciousness and prepare yourself, because you will meet many other beings that live out there, in that universe that you think is empty and meaningless.

Stop thinking that you are the center of it all. Planet Earth is just another planet among so many others that exist inhabited by the universe. Father/Mother God is not sitting nearby, holding this planet in His arms all the time, looking only at it. Father/Mother God is just, and He looks at everyone the same. There is no privilege, no greater Love for “A” or for “B”. There is everything he created and every living being, every living planet he created, is connected to him. And he emanates his energy and his Love equally to all, there is no privilege, no greater attention.

But let’s talk about this moment, the moment in which you are living, the moment in which your planet is on the path to evolution, is on the path to a higher dimension. No, I am not going to say here that Father/Mother God is standing still, sitting still, looking at the Earth, but he knows and feels what is necessary to be done here. And everything is happening according to plan, as he stipulated one day.

Ah, but you don’t understand, you cannot conceive that millions will perish in order for this planet to evolve. Many wonder: “Is this of the light?” Many think: “No, this is an action of the non-light. Killing a human being is the action of the non-Light, not the action of God. God would never do that!” You have been taught to think of yourselves as the centers of everything, as those who deserve all the attention, as those who deserve the pity, regardless of what each soul has done or chosen.

Stop looking at yourselves as wonderful and totally kind beings, because you are not. You live in the Third Dimension, and on this planet you are exposed to duality, to evil, to every kind of test that is possible to be experienced. And each one of you, by your choices, reaps what you plant. We don’t see the death of this physical body you wear as the end of the process. You are souls who at this moment are wearing a physical body, not the other way around. So for us, the loss of the physical body is something natural, something necessary for the evolution of each soul.

Today your soul is here on this planet, but one day it may have been on many others and worn very different bodies than the one you wear today. So don’t place yourselves as the poor ones, as the ones who will be punished by Father/Mother God. Put yourselves forward as pioneers, because this planet will be the first to evolve with living human beings incarnated in your bodies, and everything is being done and presented so that you can go through this process.

But the vast majority don’t want to see, the vast majority don’t want to understand, the vast majority are not ready for this process. The planet cannot stay with two dimensions active at the same time, it will live and be in only one dimension, which will be the Fifth. So those who vibrate the Third Dimension today and don’t want to do anything to change, don’t want to evolve, don’t want to believe, want to continue to believe in the beliefs that have been presented to them, will not be able to stay here.

But it will not do for a big ship to simply come and pick everyone up and take them away. What would happen if this happened? What would you have learned? You would have learned nothing; anger, criticism of those who have managed to stay on the planet, of those who have evolved, hatred, rage, and all sorts of attack processes would have taken place, because no one would want to leave with an open heart, a leaping heart.

In the words you understand, you would be forced to leave. And would you like that, to drop everything you have here to go to who knows where, to live who knows how? Would you go with an open heart? Of course not. I would say that this would be an action of the non-Light, because free will is not being respected. Then many here may ask: “But you are not respecting our will to continue here. But it is different. The planet is evolving, you have a choice, you can evolve with it. You just have to follow everything that is necessary to go along with it, but you don’t want to, you don’t open your heart to it.

So what to do with you? You won’t be able to stay here, take you by force, we won’t do that either. Then we will take you without the clothes you are wearing, because as a soul you will have the understanding of the evolution that you missed, you will have the consciousness of the moment that you missed. And I will tell you something else: All the souls will learn a lot, they will have the full knowledge before they land on other planets. So for these souls, they will already arrive on the next planets with an understanding that those who are there will not have. And the moment the planets they are on evolve, they will be the first to evolve along with the planet, exactly what is happening here.

So nobody will be exiled forever, each one will have the path compatible with their evolution. Now I’ll say it again: “But I don’t want to go through any of that,” you say; so go ahead and evolve, open your heart, open your consciousness, tear up those beliefs you still hold, become a pure human being with unconditional Love, and you will have a 100% chance of evolving with the planet.

So don’t understand the whole process as something that is not from Father/Mother God. You are having a choice. And I remind you: No planet had that choice, all the other planets that evolved, all perished so that the planet could evolve. Here, Father/Mother God is giving a chance, for those who wish, who have the pure heart, to go through this process in their consciousness, in their bodies.

Will it be an easy process? It will not be. Don’t think that it will be easy, but those who have an open heart will succeed, and will be an example for the other future planets, for all to go through and evolve in the same way. So let’s stop putting what will happen on the planet, as something that is not of the Light. The Love of God the Father/Mother is infinite, and each one of you is connected to it by the Divine Spark. It is not punishment, it is just the path the universe takes. It doesn’t just happen here, it happens all over the universe.

So, don’t think that you are exceptional or disadvantaged, you are just another planet that is evolving, with a difference that I would say is very important; with the permission of some humans to go along with the planet, to evolve along with it. Now this decision is not God the Father/Mother’s decision, this decision is each one’s, this decision is inherent to the choices that each one is making.

Father/Mother God is not rubber-stamping anyone’s passage. As Michael has said: the seat on that train to the Fifth Dimension, is a ticket that will appear instantly in your hands. But for it to happen, you have to do what you have to do, you are not going to buy it, you are not going to bribe anyone, it will just appear in your hand, or not.

How to make it appear? Continue on the path of evolution, open your heart to unconditional Love, and first of all, let go of so many beliefs that hold you back so much. Then, for sure, I will guarantee you that you will have an immense chance to evolve together with the planet.

Translated by Luiz Santos

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