Ashtar Sheran – Judge no one

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM ASHTAR SHERAN!

Today I come to bring you all the love and energy of all of us galactic brothers and sisters around this planet. Open your hearts, my brothers and sisters. The moment is approaching. Everything will be revealed, everything will be shown. Be sure that Love will have to be the greatest feeling among all the others you are capable of feeling. Revolt, disgust, or any feeling contrary to the Light, will delay your path.

Look to the Light. Knowing the truth will be important for every soul, but be careful looking at it. If it seems so strong that it unbalances you, immediately look to the Light; see the Sun shining in front of you; open your heart and let the Light of the Central Sun of Alcyon immerse your heart. Don’t let any feeling tarnish the Love you have in your heart.

You don’t need to love every being that is revealed, you just need not judge them; to look at them with eyes of Love; perhaps with a look of pity for being a soul that couldn’t reach the beauty and immensity that is the Divine Spark, immense and enlightened. Don’t judge, don’t judge, don’t judge anyone. You have been surprised by many things, including our actions, but rest assured that we follow the Universal Laws, not the laws of your planet.

We are all Light and those who have brought the shadows to this planet will receive back everything they have done; for every action, there is always a reaction, and everything will be done within the Universal Laws. And they will be applied to everyone, human or not. Some humans on your planet think they’ll get away with it; they won’t. You will also be judged by the Universal Laws. This planet is now part of the Councils again, of the Galactic Federation, so all laws are based on the Universal Laws. The laws of men matter nothing to us.

You want the truth, you will have a truth, but don’t think it will be easy because it won’t be. So I’ll say it again: Don’t judge, don’t judge, don’t judge anyone. Just look at your path. Look at the journey. Look at your evolution. You will contribute nothing by letting yourself get lost along the way through judgment.

We are Light, and you will learn what it means to be a Being of Light.

Translation: Viviana Accorsi

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