Ashtar Sheran – Look at the Planet

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM ASHTAR SHERAN! 

We are all ready, prepared for the great moment. We have been making constant appearances in your skies, and many have already allowed themselves to be enveloped by our energy. We are, we can say, winning the hearts of many of you.

Today, there is no longer as much certainty in the hearts that you are the only ones in the universe. Many revelations are being made. Many are stunned to learn of so many lies. And more and more, more information will come, more discoveries will happen, effectively preparing the hearts of many on the planet.

Yes, we are aware that the vast majority will not accept us because you have always been led to believe that any species that arrived on this planet would be invasive and domineering, with the sole intention of destroying the planet. It is interesting because in reality, they are projecting themselves, those who control your movies and media. 

They had this intention. They came here, dominated, and had the ultimate intention of destroying the planet, causing the greatest imbalance possible in the universe. 

But they did not succeed, and they will not, because God the Father/Mother has determined that this planet be liberated from their grasp. And it is happening. At the same time, the planet’s ascension process is unfolding. Gaia is cleansing many points that need to be cleaned within its energetic grid. 

To keep repeating here that you will still have many problems, I find unnecessary, but have this awareness: much will still happen. There are liberations on the planet, many liberations, and with them, a whole learning experience that humanity will have to live through. Many habits will have to be modified. So, do not be deluded by this false calm.

The interior of the planet is being stirred. The inner earth brothers maintain the balance of this interior. But what is written will happen. In fact, I would say it is already happening. So just look to the skies. No, we are not your liberation. We will not be vehicles of escape. We will not be vehicles of transportation and transformation. But we will indeed act to help you rebuild the planet, to clean up everything that you have caused to the planet. 

This work will be yours, not ours. It would be very easy for us to come here and clean your oceans, clean the soil, the air, and everything would be ready for you to continue doing what you have always done. So, the cleaning will not be ours, it will be yours. Many will not agree, but each will reap what they sow. 

So, those who look at the planet with Love, with respect, can participate in this process of reconstruction. Then you may ask: “But why rebuild if we are going to the Fifth Dimension?” This is a good question. Reconstruction is for learning, so that you can feel in your own skin the consequences of everything you humans have created. 

Everyone will face problems. Everyone, without exception. Some more, some less, but everyone will go through it. To learn to respect something that was given to you with so much Love, which is this beautiful and wonderful planet. So, you will have to learn to respect the planet. 

We can say that this will be the last phase of your learning before your ascension. Those who learn the lesson, who become One with Gaia as brothers, will ascend. Those who think that all of this is nonsense, that Gaia is just a piece of rock and water, will not have this chance. 

Integrate more and more with the planet. Look at the planet more and more. I can guarantee that this gaze will be decisive for your future, for each of you. So start today. Begin to look at the planet with different eyes and start creating your future. A future that for us is the present moment, but for you is a time ahead. 

So, do it. Do it for the planet. This is the moment. Unite for the planet. Work for the planet. Take care of the planet. And it’s always good to remember: You are not alone; you are part of a group consciousness. So if you radiate with a lot of Love and will, it expands. So, do your part. Do not wait for others. Because your part will define your path, a time ahead. 

So start today. Not tomorrow, not later, not when we arrive. Start now.

Translated by: Paula Prado

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