Ashtar Sheran – Planet Earth is free

Dear brothers from Planet Earth, I AM ASHTAR SHERAN!

Once again, I love being here with you at this moment, in this season, in these days, no matter when. Our joy is affecting the hearts of everyone on Earth. We are taking a stand by showing ourselves in your skies; some reprisals are already happening, but they are not reaching us. We would never put any of us in harm’s way just to show up for you. They are unmanned and reconnaissance ships, and little by little we will increase the number of apparitions so that everyone on Earth can be certain that we exist.

There’s no denying anymore that the truths are rising. At this moment, some of your governments are stunned because they don’t know what to do. They thought this moment would never happen, that we would never show ourselves, and that we would never get to Earth. But today, we are all here and soon we’ll be on your soil. But always with great safety for us and those with us. We’ll never put any of you at risk and we don’t demand such devotion from our soldiers either.

We don’t see soldiers like you on your planet, where someone gives them orders and they go to the battlefield to die for fights and discussions that are not theirs and that are decided behind desks where the commanders are just sitting and planning. We are not like that; we are all equal. They call me Commander Ashtar Sheran because there are needs for a hierarchy; someone must hand over the rules, definitions, and planning, but we are all equal. There are no soldiers and commanders; there’s teams and beings involved in all this work.

So we would never put any of us at risk either. And when we show up on your planet, it will be very discreet and invisible, known only to those who respect our existence. So don’t fear anything, not for us or yourselves. We are simply setting traps for them to show off, for them to show you how they treat us—with fear and anger, always thinking we are going to trespass on something.

We never invade anything; those who invade can no longer stay on this planet. Yes, they invaded, dominated, and manipulated you. Our galactic fleet is of the Light; it never dominates, and never imposes. So fear nothing! This is the phrase you need to have in your mind all the time: Fear nothing!

It won’t be necessary for you to risk yourselves for us; the battles we went through on this planet to free it from the yoke are over. Yes, there were losses but they all gave themselves for Love, for freeing a people, for freeing a race. I, too, have been wounded many times because I have always been on the battlefield. I never plan behind a desk; I plan in the center of the battle, in the center of the problem, to feel what energy we are fighting with.

So rest assured, you are protected. Whatever happens on your planet, don’t lay the blame or responsibility on us. The last phase of the planetary liberation project is underway now: to bring each of you awareness, freedom, and certainty that there is a greater Father/Mother God. And He decided that the human race is free, and that’s what we’re doing—setting the human race free.

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