Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM ASHTAR SHERAN!
It is with much joy in my heart that I came here today to be with you. Everything is happening according to plan, without much fuss or disturbance of the planet’s energy.
Put yourselves in space right now. Don’t throw that rhetoric of not being able to see anything at me. I am making you a request to place yourselves in space, at a distance where you can see your planet. Use your imagination, and you will be able to do it. So, now you are floating in space, surrounded by stars and planets and, I can even say, surrounded by Angels.
Look around; little points of light twinkle around you. They are the Angels, bringing you all the necessary protection at this place and moment. You don’t need to see winged Angels; be sure they are there. You need only to open your heart and feel their love energy. So, you are floating in space, protected by the Angels.
Your planet is in front of you. Since you are distant from the Earth, it has become such a small ball that you can almost carry it in your hands. So, look at your planet. See how beautiful it is and how it emanates Light as if little lamps flickered around it. No, they are not lamps. Your planet reflects the Light of the Central Sun of Alcyone reaching its soil.
Now you will gain a pair of special glasses, which will appear in your hands. Put on those glasses. What do you see now? You can’t only see your planet anymore, but thousands or, I might even say, millions of points around your planet. As a result of the distance you’re at, you see little dark points. However, each one reflects the Light of the Central Sun too.
See that there is something even more imposing in each of the points. So, what do you see? There is a Mother Ship at the North Pole and another at the South Pole. It doesn’t matter to whom it belongs or which galactic family is placed there. These two Mother Ships are already positioned for the rotation of your planet. A rotation of the poles is already slowly taking place.
You can’t almost see the blue surface of your planet due to the millions of luminous points. These points are our Ships. They are around your planet, shielding and protecting it against everything happening. Don’t think that the universe out here — right where you are — has forgotten about your planet. Those who have once dominated are still positioned, for they still believe that something might go wrong and that the planet might be promptly destroyed. Yet, that won’t happen. We are Light Beings. We are beings with an immense Divine Spark, and the Love in our hearts will protect this planet with our lives if needed.
Therefore, it will be impossible to occur something against this planet until its ascension. After that, Gaia will be part of the Galactic Confederation and have all the existing protections on evolved planets. Thus, its reclaim from any low-vibrational being won’t ever be possible. So, take off your glasses now. You see your world glowing once again. Then, put on your glasses yet again. A great bubble of Rose Light encircles the planet. This bubble swaps its place with a great bubble of Green Light. Then, it changes place with a great bubble of Violet Light, a great bubble of Blue Light, and a great bubble of Yellow Light, which, in turn, swaps its place with a great bubble of White Light.
These 7 colors intermingle around your planet, each one of them acting on its main function: Blue in the generation of new consciousness and of a New World; Yellow bringing consciousness and wisdom to all; Rose bringing almost unconditional Love to the hearts of all; White bringing the greatest equilibrium possible to each soul; Green bringing cure; and Violet transmuting all that low-vibrational energy in Love and Light.
No, I have not forgotten the Red bubble. It is outside of all those other bubbles; you will see it now. It is a force bubble, a power bubble, not a power for power’s sake, but the power of protection, vitality, and necessary energy for this planet. So take off your glasses again, and you will see your beautiful planet in its original rotational movement again.
With a snap of the fingers, you will now be taken back to your places in the physical world, on the planet’s surface. Do not forget what you have seen. Everything you have seen is around you. What is the purpose of this message? It is only to show you that we are making everything ready for those luminous points, which are our Ships, to appear in your skies in significant numbers. They will show that the first point of the great lie that has always been conveyed on your planet will be destroyed. You are not alone in the universe; you are only one of the universe’s races, amongst millions of others.
The mere fact of we appearing will already cause problems. We won’t do or say anything; we will only appear. Observe what will happen as a reaction to this process. We are not afraid of your assaults; we are prepared for them. Those who believe we will retaliate will resonate with the energy of those who dominate them to this day. We have been here for a long time, and the only thing we have been doing all this time is defending and cleansing your planet and destroying the base of those who arrived and implanted themselves on the planet. Nothing else.
Therefore, be prepared for minor chaos. Still, it will happen this way: in small apparitions from time to time, so all can think, resonate and believe whatever they want, and time will show the truth. It will show that we won’t do anything against any assault coming from your planet. We are prepared for the moment that is approaching. It will happen very soon according to your time.
Therefore, open your hearts and be prepared to receive all the Unconditional Love that we will emanate to all inhabitants of this planet simultaneously, no matter who. Contacts will take place. Some people will be contacted and invited to be with us so that, in this way, we may initiate the great liberation process. All those ruling this planet — no longer focusing on themselves but on the Whole — are already assembled.
No, they are not beings that will arrive on the planet. They are already on the planet, and we have been meeting with them regularly. We will only start to expand this net of Love and Light with some selected people. It is necessary that — as you say it — “flesh and blood people” see with their own eyes so that they can tell, spread and disseminate the truth about us. The truth about how we are, live and act so that in the future, you may receive us with open arms, which is what we would most like to happen.
However, we know that that will happen with only a few. Still, we need that support down on Earth to generate a feeling of friendship and show what we have come here to do. Those will be the people who will spread our message and prove what we are saying. So that the trust process may take place, and in a concise future, we may land on any point on your planet without being assaulted or attacked.
Unconditional Love gives everything and asks for nothing in return. At that moment, we will only ask for respect. We won’t demand to be loved. We will only ask for respect for other races and beings different from you. However, we know this process of accomplishment is slow; it won’t happen overnight. Therefore, we need help from Earth beings so that we can effectively show why and for what we have come and, indeed, create a great Alliance.
It has also been a time of change for us, for our bodies have not lived in the Third Dimension for a long time. Therefore, we are also doing daily work to remain in your dimension long enough to meet, talk and exchange ideas; gradually — as we gain your trust — the process will reverse.
Those who are already prepared for the Fifth Dimension will come to us. Then, it will be pretty easy to practice everything we have already planned for your planet. Remain in equilibrium. All rays are acting around your planet. Ask for help from whomever you wish, and be sure you will promptly be assisted.