Dear brothers and sisters of the planet! Earth! I am Ashtar Sheran!
It is with joy, always with joy, that I come to you today. We have been very present in your skies (I mean in physical form), where you can see us. This is happening all over the planet. Little by little, we are preparing people for our appearance. Of course, the vast majority still look on with suspicion and fear. But be certain that the moment we appear, everyone inside that ship emanates so much unconditional love for you that this energy reaches the hearts of everyone who sees us. And that fear, that fright, almost instantly turns into astonishment and surprise. And this is how we are transforming the hearts of many.
Of course, those who still hold the power of information on the planet like to place catastrophes, like to place invasions, attacks by beings from outside on the inhabitants of this planet, in a supposed war of power and domination. It would be very interesting if you all knew that this already happened a long time ago. The only difference is that they didn’t destroy everything on arrival, they undermined the planet little by little, turning you into the humanity you see today. I’d say it was a mental and totally planned invasion, but we always like to point out that none of this happened because you became simple puppets.
You have free will, and everything that was presented to you at a certain moment seemed very good, seemed pleasant, brought you joy, brought you happiness; showing you that the rest wasn’t important, what was important was personal pleasure, no matter how that pleasure was achieved. So you became addicted, getting used to everything that was given to you, in pursuit of this “supposed happiness and illusory pleasure”. It’s nobody’s fault (if there is a fault); it’s not the fault of those who put everything on the table, because they realized in yourselves the eagerness for it all, the eagerness to separate from the Source, to move away from the Source, and you made that choice. If you hadn’t made the choice, everything would be different today; I wouldn’t be here talking, nor would the other Beings of Light, because you would have evolved a long time ago, or rather, I would say that you wouldn’t even have left the Fifth Dimension, where you were.
So we aren’t supposed to blame those who came here and brought the gifts. Those who wanted to accept the gifts, those who resonated with those gifts, accepted them. We can easily understand how difficult it is for you to get rid of these addictions, to get rid of all this “supposed joy” that they put in you, to get rid of those moments of total absence from the world so that you don’t experience your own problems.
Believe it, we understand. But we have been telling you and showing you that there’s another way for you to feel happy, joyful and free of problems. It’s all down to one thing: “Believing that vibrations make your way. If you are in low vibrations today, you will reap the results tomorrow; in the same way, if you are in high vibrations, you will reap gifts”.
So we’re giving you a new choice, a New World, but in this New World, there’s no room for the vices, subterfuges, thoughtless, dishonest, and false attitudes that you’re used to; there’s only room for attitudes of love, solidarity, friendship, love for your neighbour, love without expecting anything in return. For many of you, this is impossible, and you put it down as a truth: “It’s impossible”. And I would say that this truth is growing every day. Now, if you open your hearts and let all this love in, let this love that is inside flourish, it hasn’t died; you all have this love inside, which is the spark of God the Father/Mother. If you let it increase, you will live this love marvellously and easily.
Unfortunately, you can’t serve two masters; either you serve the Light and begin a journey of cleansing, of moving away from everything that brought you those supposed joys, addictions, and the attitudes, or you remain in them. There is no way to serve these two masters; either you serve the Light or you serve the Third Dimension. We’ve been doing this daily, minute by minute on our ships. Each one of us who is in your skies is practically focussed all the time on a great egregore of love enveloping this planet. Our intention is for this egregore to suffocate all the others, because love is the strongest and most resilient feeling in the universe, and it can destroy anything.
We haven’t left, we’re all here. Because that’s exactly why, we need to emanate so much love to this planet, we need an immense number of beings emanating this love. And I can tell you that our egregore of love has already surrounded the planet. Unfortunately, it is quickly consumed by the negative egregores that are there. But we keep going and we don’t give up. So just think, if each of you takes the path of love, the path of Light, you may not even be strong enough to generate a large egregore, but at least you won’t be inflating those negative egregores anymore, and that’s already a great achievement.
I wish we could emanate a great ray and destroy all the negative egregores on your planet; a great ray of love, but we can’t. Because you will have free will until the end until the last human is in the Third Dimension. When he’s gone, you’ll be in the Fifth Dimension or wherever you shall be, and then free will is over. But as long as the Third Dimension exists and you are in it, there is nothing we can do to encroach on your choices. Your soul choices are respected at all times. We wish it were different, that we could come in and act in the way we think is right, but we can’t do that.
The “Earth Project” isn’t over yet, God the Father/Mother hasn’t ended the free will project, so there’s nothing we can do that goes against your will. So everything depends on raising the consciousness of the planet. You’re almost there, but you’re still oscillating a lot. When you think: “Now it’s going!”, you fall again, you can’t keep your heads up. But we hope that very soon you will reach this great potential of consciousness so that we can begin the new phase. A troubled phase, a difficult phase, but a necessary one, because it is this phase that will uproot all the lies, all the falsehood, all the evil that has been presented to you and that you have enjoyed. And what will be the difference? You’ll realize what you’ve done to yourself and to the planet with each one of the gifts you’ve been given.
Nothing has gone unnoticed, nothing has gone unreacted to, and it will be up to each person to choose: “I choose to continue to be as I am since I’m here, I do.” Very well, it will be a choice. Or those who choose: “No, I want to change, I want to evolve.” And then we will have a lot of work to do to absorb all those souls who will come thirsting for information, for energy, for treatment, for healing. And you can be sure that we are ready, each one of us, to do whatever it takes for every inhabitant of this planet so that it can make its ascension.
Translated by I. Arantes