Crystalline Beings – Message from the Code of Light

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! WE ARE THE CRYSTALLINE BEINGS!

We are everywhere; we can practically say that we are the skeleton of planet Earth. Many of you have respect for us. I’d even  go so far as to say that  they love us. And rest assured, that the reciprocation we give them  is just as intense.

We are apparently lifeless beings. But our energy is immense. We form the entire structure of the planet. And all this energy is what brings the equilibrium to the planet itself. So that reactions are soft; not so intense.

We protect you. You can trust us. And we have no ego. That’s why we can be a very small stone, and we will given the same protection as a large stone. The only difference is our ability to absorb so many bad energies.  It reaches a point where we can’t absorb so many bad energies.  a point when we can’t anymore, because we’re often so small. But just bathe in the waters and we will be clean again, to continue our part; the part you gave us, the part you  asked us for..

We form portals. We emanate energy. We absorb energy. We are whatever you want us to be. And no, this is not subservience. This is just Unconditional Love. We have the same structure; we are from the same planet, we have the same elements. So we are brothers, only our physical structures are different.

But you can count on us, in any situation, at any time. Just trust. Have us in your homes; in this case, a little bigger so that we can absorb the energy. Bad energies, energies coming from bad hearts, or just uninvited energies, it doesn’t matter. We’re there, absorbing them all. As points, on the contrary, we are emanating the energy of the universe. All the energy that we receive we emanate into your home. So think of us as friends. We’re very interesting friends.

Protect yourselves. If possible, in this period that has already begun, weakly, but already, have us by your side, carry us with you at all times. It willn’t be an easy period, because the energies are being fed to bring disorder, to bring all kinds of suffering to everyone on the planet. As if it were a farewell party for the beings who cultivate non-light.

Believe me, everything is potentialized. The Light is reaching its maximum peak, but it can do nothing against the hearts that don’t emanate Light. Because they are closed; as if they were vaults of evil, where the Light can’t penetrate. And these beings are practically giving their lives to emanate a lot of bad energy. And those who connect with this energy will feel its effects. It will be a very difficult period.

So , be aware of the way you will be taken these days. Protect yourself. Protect your homes, protect your bodies. Don’t just use crystals, call on the Angels, call on the Beings of Light that you know.  But what’s most important: Vibrate loudly. Calling all of us and immersing ourselves in the negative energy will do no good, because we will not be there. Even if you carry me, I will do nothing for you. Because I’ will simply be so enveloped in negative energies that I will not be able to do anything.

So, my brothers and sisters, pay attention. Pure heart, heart on high. Good deeds, good words, good thoughts. Fill yourselves with Light. Be Light. Protect yourself in whatever way  any you know . Use everything you’ve already been taught. And protect yourself. So that you don’t  to worry about it later.

Everything is very strong. Both the Light and their energy. It’s the final card, to mess with, destroy, scramble, provoke, overthrow; everything negative to mess with the ascension process. But the Light goes at its own pace. Gaia follows her path. And whoever vibrates with her will follow along; nothing will interrupt. Now, if you choose to dive into this energy, there’s nothing we will be able to do. You will be left behind. And you will miss the most important moment of your journey: your evolution.

Today’s Light Code message is as follows:

“I Am a conscious being.

I am a being with wisdom.

I Am an enlightened being.

And I am a being who always makes good choices.”

At the end of these words, say this word three times: Somatium! Somatium! Somatium!

And don’t forget, my brothers, always choose the one that jumps out at you; there’s a connection there. Why? It doesn’t matter. It was Love that we emanated to you and that resonated in your heart. , so you saw us. That’s all.

Translation by  Virginia Leite

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