Dear Sons and Daughters of Planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
I want to leave a small message for all of you.
The journey of each soul, the journey of each one of you, can take various forms: through a path, through a mission, through a point of balance, it doesn’t matter who you are or what your soul’s path to evolution looks like. What’s important is to always believe that if you’re following the small rules that lead to Unconditional Love, you’re evolving.
You may not see, perceive, feel, speak, or act like an evolved soul, but rest assured, no action is inefficient. It’s just that most of the time, you need a good amount of time for each small action to have a visible effect, but I can guarantee you all: it’s like a glass of water, add a drop every day; it takes time for it to fill up, but one day it will, and when you add another drop, it will overflow.
So always see yourselves as a glass of water where each small action, each small feeling, is a drop, and for now, you don’t see anything, there’s no water around the glass, but one day, one special day, this glass will overflow, and at that moment, you’ll feel your own evolution. A difference, something new, but that took a long time to achieve.
Don’t lose heart. Don’t doubt it, just act in every moment so that at least that one drop is created.
Translated by: Paula Prado