Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! WE ARE THE DRAGONS!
It doesn’t matter which dragon we are. It doesn’t matter what kind of dragon we are. It doesn’t matter who is speaking. What matters is our energy. And right now, we are wrapping this planet in our great wings. Feeding even more Love and Light onto the surface of the planet.
This Ascension Journey is bringing Light, Light and Light to everyone who is taking part. Light cleanses. Light transforms. Light shows. The Light transmutes. And your lives are being cleansed, transmuted, transformed, for the better. So that you can effectively reach a higher vibrational frequency. And you can be ready for ascension.
Keep with you all the Codes that will be displayed here. Don’t miss a single one. Have them all. When we finish, you will have a lot of work to do with these Codes. So don’t abandon them. Treasure them. Because they have a very special meaning for all of you.
There will be many Codes. Each with its own importance, but all emanating Love and Light for you. Our code is very profound. We have brought our magic from very ancient times, so that you can feel all our energy, and all the good that we dragons can bring.
We are playing a key role in this ascension process on planet Earth. There are many of us, working tirelessly to cleanse and organize the whole process. We no longer fear human hearts, because right now, you can no longer reach us. Even if their hearts close to us, there is no problem. We know how to wait for the day when they can come to respect and love us. And all the stories that have been told, all the processes that have been invented, will be explained and cleared up.
Fear nothing, my brothers. We are beings of the highest dimensions. And right now, we are here, taking part in this whole process. Bringing Light, bringing our energy and our magic. Yes, our magic is very powerful. And those who use it know it. Do you want to know our magic? Ask and we’ll show you the way. I’ll tell you just one thing: you won’t regret getting to know it.
Be ready, my brothers, for the long journey ahead. A difficult, path-breaking journey, a lot of work. But it will be important for each of you and for the planet. Be ready. And know that we are with you whenever you need us. Just ask for our help. And we will always have our hearts open to help each and every one of you.
Translated by: Leticia Balbino