I come with my Blue Ray to fill the path of everyone who listens to me right now. Feel like a waterfall of Blue Light covering your entire body, acting in each cell, in each hidden point, bringing renewal, bringing cleanliness to each point. Feel the energy of my Blue Ray.
At this moment every inhabitant of this planet receives this wave of Blue Ray. It doesn’t matter if it penetrates or not. Each body has different absorption, but the whole planet is covered with this Blue Light; renewing, changing, moving to new tracks. Renew yourselves with the planet. Renew your thoughts, renew your walks
Change your routines. All of them are already old, extremely in the past. Create new routines, with a new energy, with a new Light. Do it differently, and you’ll see how much tiredness, discouragement, the feeling of repetition will end, because new walks will be created, new energies will be attracted. Each of you use your imagination to figure out how to change, what to do to change. Don’t believe the ego that says there is no change, that many things will remain the same. Yes, I agree that many things will remain the same, but if you change the sequence, change the way you do it, change the time, everything changes.
Put it in their minds to think. Create new walks . Create new routines. Change the old. Let the new be born, with a new energy, like a new walk. Ask for my help, and I will give you the intuition you need to be able to make every little change, and you will for sure see the difference in your lives.
Translation by Virginia Leite