El Morya – Forgiveness Journey – First Round

Dear brothers and sisters of this beautiful planet! I AM EL MORYA!

What is the Blue Ray? The Blue Ray is creation, impulse, belief, and faith. It is the beginning of something, the wish of materialization, and the force that prompts the energies to merge to develop something. Co-creating is the ability to bring together each small energy particle with only one purpose, thought, and outcome out of a wish.

Co-creating is not simply speaking; it’s not merely thinking; it’s not asking; co-creating is focusing. It is as if you placed a small sphere inside a box each day. And each day, the volume contained inside this box increases with each sphere placed there. When this volume solidifies, it creates greater energy from that first sphere placed with your wish. But you placed several spheres inside there, building that wish. Then comes a day when the force of those spheres inside that box is so great that it simply materializes into what was asked.

Naturally, many factors are involved: merit, the stage of the journey, the strength of the wish, and whether it might be good or not at the moment. Many factors are involved, but that is co-creating; it is maintaining the same desire each day. I could say that it is to hold the same desire each second and say to the Universe: I want that, I wish, and I am waiting for that. However, if you are on the journey towards ascension, at this point, the Universe will have the consciousness of whether your desire will bring evolution or not and if the moment is right.

But these two factors can’t ever discourage you, can’t ever give you the feeling that: “I won’t succeed. It’s been difficult. It’s not for me!”. So don’t ever think like that. When you do and include quitting in this feeling, the box filling up with spheres, merging into materialization, is simply eliminated. All goes back to zero; you didn’t trust, didn’t believe, and didn’t think you were worthy of it.

These feelings don’t go together with co-creation. Co-creation is believing at all times, whatever occurs, never giving up, never doubting, never quarreling. This is also the moment of testing in which it is appropriate to test patience and confidence. It is what you are going through on your planet at the moment. Waiting, waiting, and waiting; it’s all you have in your hands. But if the confidence that everything will take place is strong enough, you’ll be co-creating the New World as soon as possible.

However, if you doubt, if you lose hope, everything falls apart, and you have to start over again. So, learn how to co-create, learn how to wish, learn how to trust, and you will undoubtedly see the results.

This journey through the rays will happen in the following way: The rules are simple and easy to understand. No meditations during the weekend. One journey will amend the other. There will be seven rounds. You must restart that round if you forget a day; it is unnecessary to start the whole journey.

Therefore, pay attention when doing the meditations. We will have different ways of tackling the same problem with each round — forgiveness. Be completely open to forgive, and ask for forgiveness.

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