El Morya – Forgiveness Journey – Second Round

Dear brothers of Planet Earth! I AM EL MORYA!

Today, we will initiate another round of the Journey of Rays, called the Forgiveness Journey. So, as explained earlier, just see yourself starting and entering a blue room through a door. The Blue Ray is the creation ray, the initiation ray, the ray of transformation into something new. So, this journey stage has the same purpose as the preceding one — forgiveness. It does not matter whether it is conceded or requested.

All that has been said will be maintained. Do not let the ego take hold of your mind. Do not think that you are not ready, that you are incapable, or that you are undeserving because you do not see anything. You are being taken care of and embraced with our energy; the right moment and ray for you to see what needs to be seen will come.

Your souls are being cleansed. Accumulated energies and energies that do not interfere with the journey are purified. This is the more significant effect you will get on this journey. Therefore, do not ever think that you are better or worse than the others. Each one will have a response during the meditation.

Then, why compare yourself to others? Why judge others as better or worse than you? Why? So, each of you must learn how to live your own journey. It does not matter to others whether you have seen it or not. This moment is yours; it does not need to be exposed for everyone to know. Unfortunately, many behave in this way and let the ego speaks louder. An exceedingly dominant ego thinks it is always entitled to show off to others and, indeed, always with some extra points added to what happened.

So, each one must keep to himself. It does not matter to others whether you have seen it or not. The journey is yours; it does not need to be spread out to anyone. Simply learn to accept what comes without judgment and without thinking about the reasons for seeing or not seeing. Everything will happen at the right time, and we are all well aware of the right moment to take you to your own shadows.

Therefore, follow the journey in isolation. You may indeed support each other, but no one has to make commentaries about what happens with your journey. Why? Each time you make commentaries, your energy affects people around you. Some react with happiness, others with sarcasm and others with envy. Thus, why show off? Why make commentaries?

Reflect seriously on that. Why do you need to comment so much? Why do you need to expose yourselves all the time? The journey is personal. Therefore, it cannot be compared to anyone else’s journey. It is yours, exclusively yours. Thus, whether you have seen it or not has to do with your own journey, not the journey of others. So learn to live your own experiences.

If you did not understand something, you must ask us for clarification, not others. Stop thinking that others are always cleverer and wiser and that they know everything. Do they? Are they ready to give you the answer you are waiting for or wish to hear? I tell you, the answer is no. They will provide you with a response according to their perspective, not yours.

Therefore, if you have any doubt, it is to us that you must reach out to. Others are not the support of your journey, so stop thinking that they are. Each one of you has a path to follow. Do not hope for others to be around you; the journey is yours.

Thus, I hope you will have more intimacy with yourself in this new round of this new journey. Look inside you, feel, and perceive what the journey brings about. What changes is it causing in you? What paths are being opened? What clarifications are being reached? What truths are surfacing?

Be alert because you remain immersed in each ray for 24 hours. Therefore, it acts on you for 24 hours. Thus, no one goes unaffected; no one goes without a transformation. So, just be ready. Be ready for this new round of the Forgiveness Journey.

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