Dear brothers and sisters of this beautiful planet, I AM SAINT GERMAIN!
It is with joy that I come here today! The last decree was published today. So, those who did it from the beginning didn’t repeat or come back; they end their journeys today. I hope it has been fruitful. I wish you have perceived evolution because you have learned a lot. For those who are on their way, that’s all right. Now, each will follow on their own. You don’t have to wait for the publication of anything. It’s also all right for those doing the decrees randomly. Each soul chooses the way and the evolution according to certain things.
Often, you accuse and judge yourselves. “Ah, why is everybody doing, except me? Is there any reason why you are not doing it? I mean, a reason more hidden than just your will? Does it exist? Would it be just your ego or your mind in action? I tell you that the three answers are right. There are obscure motives, not obscure in a sense they are dark, non-light reasons, but in the sense that the soul knows what these motives are. For some people is the ego. “Ah, I was wrong and don’t want to know about this anymore!” That’s all right. Others don’t understand quite well why they stopped. Nobody is right or wrong. Each has its journey and chooses the way to follow, which comes from the soul. So, don’t judge yourselves or think you are less than others. Don’t feel you have been harmed or are different because one is doing and the other is not. Everything involves choices. It can be that those that didn’t make the journey to the end have missed something. But, of course, I would never compare somebody who made the journey with dedication and commitment with the one who, for some reason, stopped in the middle. The first ones had more advantages and took significant steps, but would I judge the one who stopped? Who knows if, sometime in the walk of that soul, it made this same journey? Perhaps that soul has already read all the decrees you are doing here. So, can we judge? Nobody can judge whether it is me, you, the other, or the soul itself. All are in the way they must be.
The process for the ascension of this planet is coming to a point where you, and I mean those who say they are awake, are no longer choosing with the mind. The heart is so big and involved, so loving and ready for the ascension, that there is no place for ego and mind. You know how to choose with your heart. Did you make the right choice? Probably yes because rarely a choice made with the heart is wrong. The heart is nothing more than the soul itself. So, stop judging yourselves and feeling different and inferior because you tried and didn’t end. The important thing is what is in your heart; to learn what is the presence I AM. If you didn’t finish, you have repeated it many times and abandoned the journey. Still, you managed to perceive the Divine presence; your I AM is all and commands your way. It commands your decisions. If you learned this, you might be better than many who made the journey and, up to this point, don’t know how to use the I AM. There are persons of all types. Those who understand and persons with more difficulty understanding and making it happen. In summary, don’t judge yourselves or the other. Be careful with your judgments. Time is accelerated in your planet, and all you emanate now returns soon, not more in years or incarnations; it returns in minutes. So, again, don’t judge anybody. Nobody deserves to be judged and have this feeling in return. You just have to abstain from emanating the feeling, and you won’t have it.
We are officially ending the Journey of the Violet Flame. Those who want may use the decrees in the best way possible. Read them daily, in sequence, randomly; there are no rules. Just read the decrees. Understand and interiorize them, and use the Divine presence; use the I AM, which is this force and power emanated from all of you, from God Father/Mother. As Divine sparks from God Father/Mother, you have His power through the presence I AM! So, take advantage of it. Use the decrees as you wish, don’t abandon them. Don’t forget about their existence. Continue using. Know by heart the ones you love most and repeat them many times every day. This will be amazing for you because each decree has energy compatible with what is being said. So, if you repeat and say a decree with love, you attract everything that the decree says to your life. Use the decrees a lot. They are free and represent an immense power you have in your hands. Some decrees are more complex, extensive, and difficult to be known by heart. Chose the smaller and easier decrees, and that’s all right. Leave the extensive decrees for reading; those which, once in a while, you take a look and read. Know the small decrees by heart and repeat them many times. Seven is not enough. Repeat seven times seven, times seven, times seven, how many times you want. “Ah, I don’t want to repeat it seven times. I want to repeat only two times. That’s perfect. The most important is to say the decree. If you say it only once but with the heart, the decree will have complied with its function. So, be grateful for being here today to end this journey. Now you are following another way, a critical path to free your souls.
El Morya asked me to talk a little about what will begin today. Each soul connects to a body to be born and chooses a father and mother. You do not produce souls. They decide where, when, and from whom they are born to learn the lessons a father and mother had to teach you. So, the connection is generated at the time of fecundation. It is a powerful connection because it is the union of two ties. It is like the letter ‘V.’ On one side is the mother, and the other is the father. Together they connect to this new soul in terms of genetics and spirit. Each human being on this planet has a father and a mother. You still can’t reproduce on one side only. Both are always required. It doesn’t matter how these two forms unite. They always have to be two, the male and female, together to generate a new life with a soul attached to it. So, keep this concept in mind. We are talking here about the connections of a father and mother, a birth. Each soul connected to a father and mother will have all the connections on the side of the mother and father. That mother had a mother and a father. That father also had a mother and a father, so the chain goes up indefinitely. It is long for many here. So, today’s process is about the connections between father and mother. FORGET the other connections! “Ah, but what will happen with them?” This is not the time for you to worry about this. Each of you carries all the load of mother and father. We are always talking about unions to generate a new being. It doesn’t include brothers and sisters, nothing that is not part of this process, “Ah, my mother has several brothers and sisters.” Did they generate you? Were you born from them? No, you weren’t. You were generated from your mother and father. So, this connection will be treated in the fifth round. All others must be forgotten. Don’t mess with something that is not being treated now. We are treating only the connections that generated a being. You must understand this and don’t create a problem with something so simple. Just follow a way to your left and right sides, that’s all. The mother also had her mother and father, and so with the father, and so on. It will include grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, and so on. Only people who united and generated a new being. So, don’t confuse or mess up with what is being treated in this round. We will treat only the links that happened for you to be born. Two persons back behind united, and another person was born, who united to another, and another person was born and going down until you were born, on one side. So, this is immense. It can be small because each two originate four, and for result in eight, from eight there are sixteen and so on. It means lots of people. So, note the number of souls involved in the process. I hope this is clear to you.
Another interesting point is that not all these souls are disincarnated. Most are incarnated, and by breaking the connection, nobody is killing anyone. To break bonds is merely to forget, not the link or the son because we are talking about sons and daughters. It means to forget the rest. Only love will remain; mother’s and father’s love, nothing more, without the memory of what was past and lived. It doesn’t matter anymore. Only love remained. So, the connection ends, but the feeling doesn’t. So, many on the planet will be affected because they are incarnated today. Obviously, they don’t remember you. They were part of your family tree a long time ago. They won’t remember. Their souls remember because these connections remain as a mark. They know that generated somebody that later generated other and end up generating you. These connections end up, rupture, and only a sweet memory remains. Only love remains, without passing prejudice, limiting beliefs, suffering, nothing but love. Love will never die. This is an oversimplification. Some things will be said later at the right time. However, you will undoubtedly feel lighter because, behind you, there is a burden of violence, suffering, and beliefs that are not useful today, so why have them?
Another interesting point must be explained. For example, you have your mother and father. You have your grandparents on the side of your mother and father, but your grandparents on the side of your mother are not alive anymore. How will this be? Very well. All those who came before your maternal grandparents will be disconnected. Therefore, we are detaching souls, not incarnated persons, always above who is alive. What I mean with above those who are alive is father and mother of those alive. If a person live does not have a father and mother alive, they will be disconnected. Another critical point was a doubt of the one talking: “aren’t you forcing this disconnection on people? The option is mine, then I am imposing that my grandparent disconnects herself from the father and mother because the option is mine. I am forcing my grandmother to unintentionally disconnect from her father and mother, even when she doesn’t know? Isn’t it an invasion of someone’s free will?” So, we are repeating the question here because it is interesting and deserves an answer. What is the meaning of the process happening on this planet today? The answer is ascension. How many awakened persons are there on the earth? I won’t say it because it is not worth it. So, if we calculated only those whose fathers and mothers were already disincarnated, the process would have no result. Then, we can say that all will be released and disconnected at that moment, whether intentionally or not because this is the name of God Father/Mother. This is a step for all people begins awaking. It is part of the global awakening process on the planet. Then, we are not invading any free will. You are incarnated now. All incarnated on this planet now, and those disincarnated too. They already knew what would happen on the earth and agreed. So, now we are not invading free will. We are making happen what had already been agreed. The disincarnated souls part of your ancestors, and the incarnated souls part of your past, will be disconnected from you. That’s it. This is not an invasion of free will. This is the release for all, for the great awakening to occur. You have no idea of this size when we talk about 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, or 4,000 souls. The number of souls is enormous. It is like burning a wick. When you disconnect the first one, all connections above will be eliminated. Again, the bonds of father and mother. We are not talking about brothers and sisters. We are talking about father and mother tied to your ancestor line. We are doing it another way for those not affected by this process, but all will be disconnected.
A soul is a free identity. They don’t need to be connected to prove their love. Unconditional love is much superior to all of this. Don’t be afraid. It will not be bad for anyone. On the contrary, all will feel immensely light. During the week, other information will come because even with these explanations, you still will have some doubts that will be explained during the fifth turn. One thing must be clear. We don’t force anyone to do anything. Those who think this is weird and don’t want to participate are my guests. You will be inserted into the rest of the planet, which will be disconnected anyway. Maybe, all will be disconnected more directly, without so much love as it’s been made here and now. There is no other way. Doing it inside the Journey of Forgiveness, you are supported by the Masters. Each of them will help you in any situation that may appear but not for the rest of the planet. You will have to be alone.
What is the group you want since the disconnection will be for all? This is a quick process. It does not take long. To create a connection takes longer than to undo a link. But, to transmute a link, whatever it is, within the energy of love is quick and easy, and this is what we will be doing, the seven of us. So, accept the invitation, and I am sure you will not regret it.
So, I close my explanation today with joy and congratulation, particularly for those who will follow the journey up to the end. Congratulations! I hope you know how to use all you learned. As to the others, do enjoy it too, as you are doing it, that’s all right. In fact, the journey will never end because there will always be those who will start at some point. Then the journey is there for this to be lived and fulfilled. Open your hearts. The moment is of freedom, but particularly the moment is of unconditional love always. Unconditional love does not tie anybody; it doesn’t imprison. Instead, it releases, and this is what we are doing.