Forgiveness Journey – El Morya – First Round – Meditation 1

This seven-day journey begins with you sitting down.

Let your feet touch the ground you’re on with no footwear. It doesn’t matter how far you are from the planet’s surface.

Roots will come out from the middle of your feet, taking them in the direction of the center of the planet.

See these roots touching the heart of Gaia, the center of Gaia.

Receive the energy of Gaia coming back through your feet and filling your entire body.

Think of this energy as a highly Bright White Light.

Balance yourself with the energy of Gaia.

Keep your eyes closed.

I am in front of you and am placing my right hand on your spiritual heart.

And at this moment, some scenes might come to your mind; you might see some scenes; it might just be an intuition; feel what kind of feeling comes to you.

You will remain in this state for two minutes.

You must forgive or ask for forgiveness in your mind at this time, depending on what the feeling brought you.

Do it. Forgive or ask for forgiveness.

And see or feel a great Joy in your heart, showing you that your action was accepted.

Now I embrace you in a great sphere of Blue Light, balancing your walk, balancing all the sequences that came after this action in your journey.

You will remain in my sphere of Blue Light for five minutes.

Now I am no longer in front of you.

This Blue Light will stay with you until the following meditation, helping you see those points that need forgiveness in your world, in your dimension.

Things from your soul will be treated here; actions from your consciousness must be treated in your dimension.

Remember that the Blue Light is around you and will be helping you to create new paths and new decisions, which will help you elevate on your journey.

Breathe deeply.

Feel the energy of Gaia dissipating inside your body and taking everything that still causes you harm relating to the scene you have seen.

Breathe deeply.

And in your own time, return to your consciousness.

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