Gaia – Collaborate for Ascension

Dear sons and daughters! I AM GAIA!

At this moment I’m on my way to the ascension. Every day, my frequency rises a little more, and consequently, each of you feels this increase in energy in some way. At this moment, my focus is on ascending every point, every corner of this planet that has the vibration necessary for ascension. It’s as if the bigger the amount that’s at high frequencies, the more it sucks in the lower frequencies. It’s not a process of the same size. When the frequency gets higher, when it encounters a lower frequency, it does lose strength, because it needs to cancel out that lower frequency. But precisely because it’s high, there’s always a little left over.

So at this moment it’s this process that’s happening. The more energy I receive from the Central Sun, the more I eliminate the energies that can be eliminated. Unfortunately, I cannot remove your suffering and pain directly from you. It’s up to the journey of each soul that is on my surface, to fulfill exactly what is determined by free will. But your moment will come. The moment will come when you will reach as a collective the frequency necessary for everyone’s awakening.

The more I remove low-vibration energies from the planet, the more your frequency rises in relation to the Whole. Then the moment will come when you will awaken as intelligent and wise consciousnesses. There will be no collective process of human catharsis. Each will begin the awakening in their own time, according to their own heart. Consciousness will be brought to each one gradually. It’s as if you were wrapped in a big cloak that you can’t get rid of it, but at the moment of awakening, the key to opening this cloak will be given to each of  you . Opening the cloak to get to know the outside world will take time and the speed of each person.

Unfortunately, there will also be those who won’t open the cover, out of fear or simply because they’re comfortable with the way they’re living; they don’t want to see the real world outside. So the free will always be respected, and everyone will make their own decisions in their own time and in their own way.

My surface is extremely unstable, as a result of all the processes that you humans have triggered in my entrails, and that over the millennia these processes have been taking place, and now you are receiving the consequences. Nothing is being planned , nothing is being prepared or imposed on each of you. Everything that is happening on my surface, in my guts right now, is the result of everything you have done against me for eons of time. But don’t understand this as revenge , don’t understand it as anger because I’m not doing anything; only the reactions are happening because they were initiated a long time ago. You are reaping all that you have done to the planet for eons of time.

Now the time is coming for you to understand, realize and learn the consequences of everything you have done. My heart at this moment has a single focus: my ascension. And what I can do for you is what I’ve already said: eliminate more and more low-vibration frequencies so that your frequencies reach the peak necessary for the great awakening, so that the keys to those cloaks are distributed for humanity,  and everyone can do with it what they want to do.

As long as their consciences think that they don’t deserve anything, that they are always punished or that they are always involved in unfair situations, everything will become more and more intense. Because you are emanating it. You receive what you emanate. My heart isn’t happy to see my children suffering. I call you children because you came out of my entrails. You are products of my body. You contain all the elements and elementals that I have. So your physical forms are the result of this planet, they are a result of my own forms. So I wouldn’t be happy to see anyone suffer. But I also understand and know that every moment of sadness, every moment of pain is a product of what you have previously caused.

Believe me , this will all come to an end. Every day more and more energy arrives for me to transmute the negative energies. And the day will come, very soon, when you will be able to get rid of these covers. If you want to speed up the process, help me eliminate the negative energies. Stop emanating criticism, judgment and pain. Stop repeating the lies you hear. See only the positive side of the planet, and in this way you will be helping this process to happen faster, because you stop generating negative energies.

The amount that I transmute every minute is practically identical to the amount that you generate every minute. So there needs to be a change of consciousness on the planet so that you can receive these blessings. Change your consciousness. Be examples to those around you. Don’t feed negative energies. Only feed love, peace, solidarity and fraternity, and only then will you be able to help me, so that we can all ascend as quickly as possible.


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