Gaia – I Continue Ascending and You?

Dear children of my womb!

I AM GAIA!In my body today, I feel many forms of feelings, feelings that have accumulated over eons. In this work of purification for ascension, all this energy is being transmuted, all that is negative is being transformed into positive energy, for if it were not so, my ascension would be very difficult. The ascension of a planet requires unimaginable levels of positive energy, which we can call “love,” for it to happen.

Internal change is not easy. Just as you as humans, when you have problems in your bodies internally, these problems are more difficult to heal than the external ones, because the external ones are visible, they can be observed, they can be treated as the process progresses, but the internal ones are not, you just think you are treating them and each organism reacts differently. It’s a big surprise what happens inside your bodies.

In the same way “cleaning out my insides” is a painful process, as painful as it was to contaminate each of them. Over time, the blood spilled on my surface, all the substances harmful to my body were accumulating in my guts. And I can tell you, it was a very painful process, and every day it only got worse, the pain only got worse. Many may now be thinking, “What do you mean, pain?”

I am a living organism, I breathe, I live. I am obviously very different from you, but I am not just a big lump of rock, covered practically in water, with some bits of earth as many think; I am a living being. If I wasn’t; there would be no forests, no crystals, no food for the animals in the oceans, because everything would be dead, there would be no life on this planet. You live and survive because I am alive, because I give you what to eat, water to drink, shelter through my materials. So I feel pain, yes.

Of course, it is very different from you. But imagine that every day you took a small spoonful of poison; it accumulates in your body and makes you sick. And in many places in my body I am sick, as a consequence of all that has been done on the surface. But we are on a new road. I am just like you in my preparation for the final ascension.

It has already been said here that some points are already vibrating Fifth Dimension because they have already been totally cleansed. The cleansing is happening point by point. Until the day comes when my entire surface, and my insides are totally clean of any contamination, of any emanated energy that is not Light. And at that moment, I will fully ascend, and those who are in the same vibratory range, who are ready, will go with me.

Some, in some points, are already in the Fifth Dimension, not many, but they are. And as each human reaches the necessary vibration they will ascend, there is no need to wait for the others. Each human who ascends strengthens the Fifth Dimension, and his own mind attracts those who still remain in the Third. At any time, any one of you can move there, vibrate in a higher dimension, and the middle vibrates higher. So that vibration of yours, causes you to stay there.

But there is still a lot to be learned, and many go back and forth, because so much still holds them in the lower dimension. Don’t seek to know who you are. Those who already achieve this cannot be detected, for they are extremely important Pillars of Light in the process and will never be detected. We need to protect them. In the same way, let each one of you who has the chance to go through this.

Do not believe at any time that ascension has stopped, that I have stopped. No. I keep getting all the help I need for the transmutation of my body; it keeps happening. Even though you keep going backwards, I keep going forwards. And I suggest that those who want to ascend do the same: look forward; don’t look to the side, don’t look back, look forward, just forward, and sure enough, by staying on that road, at some point you will be pulled into the Fifth Dimension, and you will know exactly what it’s like; you’ll be there for a while and you can come back whenever you want.

Lowering the vibration is very easy, immediately you are brought back here into the Third again, because your minds are not quite ready yet, to stay there. So I encourage each of you, to seek that moment, to make your own journey aiming for that moment: the moment your vibration is so high, that you will see yourself there. And it won’t be your mind going there, it will be your body, you will go in physical body.

Don’t imagine that your bodies are not ready yet. Within a dimension there are several vibrational bands and you will start in the lower band of the 5th Dimension, and in this band your bodies react very well. When you are fully in the 5th Dimension, then gradually you will change vibration and your bodies will adapt more and more to the higher frequencies.

So don’t worry about that. I just can’t guarantee that it won’t be a painful process, it will depend a lot on how you are treating your physical bodies. If you treat your bodies with love, with respect, giving them only healthy things, hydrating them with lots of water and vibrating positive feelings, this passage is almost painless, otherwise you will feel a lot of pain. But when you get to the Fifth Dimension, you will see that it was worth it, and maybe you will learn to value your bodies more, to take better care of your bodies.

Stay on the road, because I am on my road. In my whole body you are not the majority, the majority of my body is water, and many points of the ocean, of the oceans, are already in the Fifth Dimension. So there is very little left, and it’s like I said: “Nothing impacts me anymore. Nothing stops my road to ascension. It is a process that there is no stopping, once it starts it goes all the way to the end; there is no going back, there is no stopping, there is no delay.

Every incarnated human will be affected by this process and they will have to decide with road they want to follow: Which is to look forward and keep walking, with the certainty that there will be a moment when you ascend, not definitely, but you can go back and forth, or connect to the world that lies next to you, or behind. It is up to you to decide. Nothing has changed for me, I am in the process, I am ascending. And there will come a time when I will fully ascend, and whoever is ready will definitely go with me, or be taken off the planet. So what do you choose?

The process is difficult for everyone, for me it is too. I would like every living being to ascend, every living being on this planet to have only love in their heart, but unfortunately this is not true. Then a “great separation of the chaff from the wheat” will happen, and even some animals will not ascend, because they are contaminated with the violence that has been implanted in them. This hurts me.

I would like everyone to go together with me. But my great hope, and my great happiness, is to know that in the Fifth Dimension everyone will love me, everyone will protect me, and I will never feel pain in my body again. We will all live in harmony, emanating only Love, and it will be a great victory for me, for those who come with me, and for the Universe, because it will be one more planet free of any kind of low vibration energy.

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