Gaia – Respect Everything on the Planet

Dear children of my body I AM GAIA!

Many wonder why there are so many not so good things happening on my surface. I can assure you that nothing happens without a reason. Each piece of my soil has a history, lives that have been lived or are still happening, but most of all it contains energies, old energies that need to be transmuted.

Every spot on my soil has a story; it may be an empty story, a story without company, a story without human access, but for the most part we walk together: man and me. I am very bountiful in what I give back to the man of the earth. His food, his vegetables, his greens, his fruits, and I respond exactly to the Love emanated. When there is respect for my skin, which for you is your soil, I give back with more Love, I give back with abundance, I give back fruits and sturdy and tasty food.

When there is only the intent of greed, no matter at what price, dirtying my skin, contaminating my body, I give back in the same way. No, I’m not vengeful, this is the Law of the universe: what is planted is reaped. So the feeling that is planted will be harvested further on. Why so many problems today in your soil, in the crops, in the plantations, why? Because there is a spot to be cleaned. The rain comes, the rivers rise, everything is flooded, for my pleasure? Never. But there was a need for cleaning and only my waters are capable of this.

I guarantee that many of those who suffer from these disasters, as you call them, will later come back to produce in great abundance, but those who have been able to accept the setback; those who continue to be grateful for having an Earth to plant on. Those who only curse, who only emanate anger, emanate hatred for what happened, will have nothing, they will lose everything, so that they learn that the Laws of the Universe and the Laws of this planet are in force.

Nothing goes unreturned. And don’t understand this, once again I repeat, as punishment; it is the Law of Return, what is done is received. Today much is changing on my soil, in my flesh. Many don’t want to realize it, but it is all part of this great process. Of course you are reaping all the unbalance you have planted, that is a fact; but much that is happening on my skin, in my waters, is the fruit of this great process I’m going through, it is the fruit of my evolution.

I could say that for you these will be very difficult times, for each of you will have your share of learning, each of you will have your share of experiencing the return of what you have planted. There will not be hunger; this is something you would like you to believe, that I will starve humanity. Never! There is food for everyone. If you stop throwing away what comes a little ugly from my bowels, everyone will have something to eat. But you have been taught to throw away, to waste everything that I generate with a little bit of ugliness. And then I ask you: ugliness for whom? For those who determined this, for those who don’t feel hunger, because those who feel hunger don’t care about looks, they just want to eat.

Then there will be no hunger, but for that you must believe, you must be convinced that there is food for everyone. And I’m not talking here about foods of animal origin, that is out of the question; these are foods that will come from my flesh, from the earth, which are appropriate for the feeding of each one of you. Try to know what you eat, because many have been changed, they are no longer what I produced; and these are made to cause you illnesses, imbalances. They are very strong for the earth, for production, for greed, but they are terrible for your bodies.

So start to investigate, to be careful what you eat. Don’t eat anything that has been modified, eat things that come from the pure earth, without any kind of change, these yes, I guarantee you that it will do your bodies a lot of good, the rest is to keep them sick always. So my children of my body, don’t look at me as an enemy, don’t look at me as the one who is punishing you. I am walking my path, and each one of you is reaping what you have sown regarding myself, regarding Love for the planet, Love for the Earth.

If this has never crossed your mind, now is the moment for you to start thinking, because further down the road, when you evolve, our partnership will be constant and fully integrated: You and Me, Me and You. There willn’t be the planet and there won’t be you, there will be an integration, where you will take from me whatever you need: food, energy, Light, it doesn’t matter, and I will give it to you with all my Love and without asking anything in return.

So learn to love me, learn to respect me, and especially learn to take care of me, because only in this way will you be ready for the next stage in the Fifth Dimension. Forget greed. Forget the abundance of the energy of money. Think of the abundance of food to feed the hunger of so many, who today have nothing to eat because of the total imbalance of those who don’t spread the food. There is food for all, and in great quantity and in surplus, but as long as you limit yourselves to only commercializing to make money and only show more and more beautiful food, many will go hungry, because the rest, those foods that are not part of the commerce are all thrown away, rot, and a human being remains hungry.

We need to learn to walk together, to start this partnership of ours here in the Third Dimension. So respect my soil. Don’t uproot my roots, they are there for all this balance to be maintained, but you uproot them, contaminate my skin, you contaminate my waters, for what? For a purpose totally directed to those who have dominated this planet here.

Digging into my guts for stones that they have invented are precious. Everything in my guts has the same value, nothing is better, nothing is more expensive; everything has the same value. But you have been taught by greed to destroy my guts, to kill for them, to contaminate and kill your brothers with substances that they will never be able to free themselves. This is the path you want to take to the Fifth Dimension?

I don’t forbid you to use the crystals that I produce, they were made exactly for this purpose, for you to use them, for your balance, for your grounding but not for greed, not to show off. Don’t use my stones as an ornament, my stones are for balance, they are for you to have our partnership being formed. Respect my guts. Always remember that every stone you use as an artifice was taken by someone else, and in what way? Legally or with slavery? And what happened to my guts? The stones that I produce, if each one of you took a piece for yourself, there would still be plenty, but this is not how it is done.

So have respect for my stones. Don’t use them as an ornament. There is my energy, there is a piece of my body that you are using just to show yourself beautiful. And what does that bring you, I ask you? The display, the exposure that you can have something that the vast majority can’t. And for what, for what purpose? So respect my stones. Respect every crystal you hold in your hands. If you don’t use them, give them back to me, put them back in my soil, and they will have their function regenerated.

Don’t put them in the trash, don’t abandon them, if you don’t want them, put them in my soil, and everything will come back from where it came out; that energy will come back to me. Learn, my children of my body, to respect my body, my air, and my waters. Only then will each of you effectively walk the path to the Light. This is not a separate path, where only the Love for others has to be taken into account; it is the Love for the earth, the Love for the planet, the Love for others that needs to be fostered and lived, with respect and more and more with the certainty that we will always be together, but that this partnership depends more on you than on me

Translation by Virginia Leite

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