Gaia – You Are Children of My Womb

Dear children of my womb! I AM GAIA!

Many wonder what is happening to the planet.  Many think I am punishing those I love so much. I do not come here to justify myself or to ask for apologies or forgiveness for what happens on my surface.

The process of a planet’s ascension is not an easy one. Look at the size of my body. You are extremely small in comparison to me. Proportionally, anything that happens within me greatly affects you because there’s no other way due to my size.

I wish I could undertake this ascension journey without needing to move a single grain of sand. I wish I didn’t have to transmute entirely negative energies placed in my body. I wish I didn’t have to feel the pain of wildfires on my skin or the poisoning of my waters. I wish I didn’t have to endure the foul odor released into my air. I wish the beings I love so much would care for me as I care for them. 

Yes, I care for each one of you. I provide food, water, and air, all perfectly suited to your needs. But what you have done on my surface and within my depths has caused much harm to the balance I once had. I am not punishing anyone. I am not hurting anyone. 

Every action taken by you generates a reaction, and it’s these reactions that bring pain and all that you consider “bad.” I have done nothing. I do need to transmute the negative energy you have placed in my depths. Transmute the energies of wars. Transmute the energies of killings, sacrifices made upon my body. When I transmute these energies, I gain strength for my ascension. I cannot ascend without transmuting them.

This process is irreversible. It cannot be stopped. There is no substance, no antidote that can halt my ascension because it was ordained by God the Father/Mother. Each one of you will be, directly or indirectly, part of this process according to your own choices. I love every pair of feet that walk upon my body, every human who treads upon my skin. 

Many might think otherwise, but I know the energy of each one. I know what you think, I know what you feel because all of you are children of my womb. You possess all the elements I have, which is why you are so well adapted to the planet. Otherwise, the human race would have already perished, as the food wouldn’t be suitable for it.

You have found many other ways to feed yourselves, and now you bear the consequences. You poison the perfect plants I created so they wouldn’t rot, last longer, or grow faster in your harvests. All of this has consequences on your bodies because these were not the foods I created.

It’s as if each food contains a lock, and your bodies hold the key. When they connect, all the pure energy of that food is passed to your bodies, bringing balance and health. The locks have been changed. Your keys no longer fit. It’s as if you eat the food, and it does nothing to your bodies; it exits the same way it entered. Where is the balance and health in that? It’s not there. You are poisoning yourselves more and more. 

So, children of my womb, do not blame me for anything. You have changed everything. You do everything to make things easier according to your conception, regardless of whether that ease brings more imbalances and diseases. Unfortunately, this is what you have today.

But all of this is changing. When I ascend, my body will produce only pure, uncontaminated, unmodified foods, and everything will have the right time to grow, sprout, bloom, and bear fruit, without haste, without modifications.

Unfortunately, I must say that nothing you eat or drink today is pure, except if you draw water from a natural source and eat food from places untouched by humans, food that simply comes from the Earth’s energy, grown naturally. These, indeed, you can consume without restriction because they contain my energy of light and love.

Believe me, my children, it pains my heart to have to transmute so much, but it’s necessary. And it will continue until the end, when I am effectively in the Fifth Dimension 100%. Those who are preparing to follow me or those who are already following me will arrive with me. The others, unfortunately, will not remain on the planet so that the Third Dimension of this planet becomes just a memory, a bad recollection of a time when all the imbalances were created, and all these negative feelings were emitted. But thanks to the love of God the Father/Mother and the supplication of many, we managed to ascend. And so it will be.

Now, this planet will continue to ascend even more because only those who truly and unconditionally love the ground they walk on will remain on its surface.

Now, this planet will continue to ascend even more because only those who truly and unconditionally love the ground they walk on will remain on its surface.

Translate by: Paula Prado 

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