Gaia – You must act

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM GAIA!

I have come here today to bring peace, to bring light, to bring love to all of you.

My skin is on fire. My forests are being consumed. But this is not a moment of outrage, nor a moment of anger. I feel the pain. Not the physical pain that you feel. But the pain of seeing what you are causing against yourselves.

Every step you take against me doesn’t change my structure, my path, or my evolution. It does change the consequences you will have. You need to pay attention. You have to see the truth. The more you set yourselves on fire, the more disorganised the climate will become. The more intense the consequences will be. But this is all planned. It’s all organised to happen this way.

The only thing that makes me sad is when a son of mine thinks that I’m the one punishing him; I’m the one destroying his land; I’m the one taking the food out of his mouth. That hurts. Yes, I have feelings. Not physically like you, but I am aware of and feel the energy you generate. Therefore, for your understanding, I quote you as feeling. This energy comes into me.

Many might say that it’s a small energy because I’m immense and what is a human being compared to my size? I would say that everything is interconnected. It’s like a big web. If an animal lands anywhere, the vibration is felt everywhere. All it takes is for a human being to feel something that reverberates across my entire surface; across the entire network that connects you.

My brothers, I’m going to call you brothers, not sons and daughters. Right now, we need to unite, we need to be together, in these most critical moments of the process. All of this was expected. And more will come, in order to bring more fear and to blame those around for freeing you from all of this.

But action is needed, my brothers. You need to stand up and do something. It’s not enough to sit, watch and cry. You have to do something. Everyone has to do their part, showing your indignation and your help at this time.

I would say this to you: You’re not helping me. Because I’m used to suffering all kinds of aggression. But I would say that you will be avoiding a lot against yourselves. You’ll be fighting the great negative egregores that are being created for the climate. And this is fought with Light, with Love. Lots of Light and lots of Love. Only Light, only Love, is capable of destroying these egregores; it is capable of counterbalancing what is being done to destroy.

Do something for yourselves. You need to realise that the consequences are not against me; the consequences are against you. The imbalance will cause problems for you, not for me. So you have to do something. And always remember: you are not powerless.

Each one of you who fills your heart with Love and Light and emanates it, multiplies. Because thousands of Beings of Light around the planet take your energy, which is so tiny for its size, and expand it, multiply it, and spread it, with great intensity. But for them to do this, you have to generate the energy. A tiny ball of Light and Love has to come out of somewhere so that it can be picked up and expanded.

Now don’t think you’re small, don’t think you’re useless, don’t think you’re powerless. You have the power. The power to generate, the power to create. And it’s from you that things happen. It’s free will that rules the planet. The Beings of Light are just waiting, waiting for someone to do something so that they can act. They can’t do anything until there is a tiny ball of Light and Love.

So let’s each of you do your bit. Not for me. My path has already been mapped out. I’m on the path of evolution and I’m doing very well. Think of yourselves. Don’t think you’re unreachable. Everyone will be reached; some more, some less, but everyone will be. So think of yourselves. Think that every ball of Light and Love you generate could diminish what is already forming somewhere down the line.

No, you won’t change the future. What will come will come. But what you can do is change the intensity. For everything is an egregore being created. So, if you do something, you take away the intensity, you take away the strength of the malignancy of those egregores. They will come. There’s no avoiding it. But make sure that they are softer.

And don’t just think about yourself. ‘Oh, I’ll do it, then I’ll get points and nothing will hit me!’. No, don’t think like that. Because this thought could be the trigger against you. Think that you are acting for the Whole. And it doesn’t matter where you’re helping. You’ll be helping the Whole.

Right now, this planet is one. Right now, this planet is suffering at every point. There are negative egregores all over it. So do what you can to diminish their intensity, so that they come, so that they work with less intensity. You’ve seen some examples. And if you do nothing, you’ll see far worse ones.

You have to do something. ‘Ah, so the future is in our hands?’ Yes. Yes, the future is in your hands, because it was human free will that created all this. So you still have the free will to minimise all this. Don’t think of me. Of course, every negative event that happens affects me greatly. But I’m ready and prepared. You’re not. You are fragile.

So do something. Find something to do. Get involved in actions in favour of the planet. And you’ll see a future that’s a little softer. Not pink, because everything has already been created. But at least it will be mild. It won’t be with the intensity that is being planned.

They can no longer destroy the planet with weapons. Therefore, they are messing with the climate. It’s up to you to act with an opposing force of Light and Love to minimise what they want to do.

And never forget: Have faith. Believe it. And you will land on your feet. Even if the world around you turns to dust and is destroyed.

Translated by I Arantes.

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