Beloved brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM HILARION!
The era is turbulent. Time, as a measure, is accelerating. Each of you responds to these changes in your own way, in your form. There is nothing to worry about. There is much to believe in. The wind blows. It brings a New Time. It brings new energy. It brings the energies of ascension, which act deeply in everybody, heart, and mind.
For those who have Light within them, it brings joy, peace, solutions, and paths. It removes what is not good. It brings awareness. It brings changes, always positive changes. Many times you may interpret these as negative changes because they are beyond your control of what you would like. But believe me, they are the necessary changes for the evolution of each one of you.
For those whose hearts do not respond to the Light, it brings despair, loss of control, and imbalance. It reveals everything that each person has always hidden from themselves; every negative aspect they never wanted to see; every behavior they never wanted to believe they had. But the truth is coming to light. Many will understand and change. Many will understand and worsen, will rebel. Many will become extremely unbalanced.
There is a group that is in the middle. Neither Light nor shadow. Oscillating. Sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other. Mostly by the vibrations they emit at each moment. These will see the truth too. Many will choose to change. Many will accept the change. Many will challenge it. Many will not change. And within this context, each one will make their choice: Light or shadow.
So, my brothers and sisters, you are not heading toward a time of balance, a time of peace, a time of harmony. Not yet. This will come after all the cleaning is done. But until all the dirt comes to the surface, times will be difficult. And how to protect yourself? How to stay balanced in such an unbalanced environment?
Imagine a lake. At the edge, the waters are clear. You can walk by seeing your feet. But as you walk, you sink and enter the mud. And the mud stirs up, and the water becomes murky. And the more you walk in the mud, the more you sink into it. And the water becomes murkier. So, what can I say?
Stay in the shallow waters. Do not enter the mud. Do not go to the bottom of the lake. Choose to stay on the edge. Choose to vibrate high. Choose to say beautiful things. Choose to dream. Choose to offer love and gratitude. Choose to be beings of Light. And you will stay on the edge or in the clear waters. You will not be affected by the mud. Now, if you choose other paths, the mud will pull you. And you will sink.
In general, what do I want to say? Each one will attract what they vibrate. The world may be falling apart out there. But if you vibrate high, you will land on your feet. This is the great teaching. So vibrate high, and nothing will happen to you. You can cross an entire lake at night but remain in clear waters. Why? We will show you the way, we will not let you enter the mud. Because by vibrating high, you attract us. And we take care of you.
Now, if you vibrate low, we move away. And then we cannot show you the way. It will be your choice. So keep this in mind. Nothing will be easy for anyone, not even for you who are in the Light. But if you know how to receive each setback with love, with balance, and vibrate high, everything will pass quickly. Everything will have easy solutions. And you will tread increasingly illuminated paths. Act contrary and everything will affect you.
Be ready. This is not about instilling fear in your minds. It is about being truthful. The moments will be difficult for everyone. No one will be free. No one will be locked in a dome, seeing nothing. Everyone will have to see. Everyone will have to feel. Everyone will have to react. And it will be each one’s reaction that will build the paths ahead.
So, always try to vibrate high, regardless of what happens. Anger and revenge will lead you nowhere; on the contrary, you will only be dragged into the mud. In any situation you are experiencing, you need to emanate love. Even to an enemy who is hurting you.
Look at them and emanate love. Because they are instruments for your learning, for your evolution. So, love them for that. Each problem is a lesson. Do not hate those who bring the lessons; on the contrary, love them and love them very much. Because when they bring the lessons, something between you will have the chance to be resolved. There is a mutual rescue to be done. And if you accept that challenge with love, you rescue not only yourself but the other as well.
Look at everything differently. Do not get involved with the energy of the mud. It is powerful. And the more anger you have, the more irony you use, the more you will be dragged into the mud. Only love can save you, to rescue you from that moment. Only love will be able to destroy all that. Because you understood that it is your great chance to end that situation. Do not ask how. Do not ask what will happen. Just act with love. And everything will follow the laws of the universe.
Learn, my brothers and sisters: Nothing is resolved with anger or contempt. The only way to solve any problem is with love. And the more love you put into it, the easier the solution will be. If forgiveness is needed, forgive. It goes hand in hand with love and is very powerful too.
Know how to walk, my brothers and sisters. The most difficult tests will begin to appear. The easiest ones you have already left behind. And never forget, if you think you are going to get lost, ask for help. Do not get lost first and then ask for help. Do not let yourself get lost. Ask for help as soon as you feel you are losing control. But ask for help with love. Not for anything else. Ask us to teach you to love, to forgive. Then, yes, be sure you are taking an important step in your evolution.
Translated by: Ivana Bueno