Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM HILARION!
Another journey. Only this one is a little different. It’s a journey where you choose only to participate. To receive everything that the Code of Light that I leave you will bring to each of you.
Healing the physical body is quite complicated because you must believe in what you are doing and in what you can attract to yourself. But right now, this Code of Light is bringing an extra dose of balance and, let’s put it this way, cleansing. It helps to remove everything that is invasive in your bodies.
The journey continues in the same way. You should look at the code whenever you can. But you must drink plenty of water during the 24 hours when this code is being generated. Your bodies will be cleansed, so well done. If you don’t drink water, all the impurities will remain in your body and return to where they were. Therefore, it’s important to drink water so that all these toxins come out of your body.
“No, don’t believe that I’m here to bring you a cure for all your ills. As I said, healing the physical body is something a little more complex. But yes, I will bring balance, I will bring relief, however little it may be. You will feel the difference.”
And you must cleanse your bodies more and more. With lots of water. Spending time in nature and receiving Gaia’s energy. Eating properly, avoiding unhealthy foods, eating fruit and vegetables. Avoiding animals as much as possible. Keeping your body as clean as possible.
Be sure, healing is a very expansive verb in your world. For you only understand healing as something physical. And it’s not. It’s much more than that. It’s also about healing the soul. And how do you heal the soul? First, by admitting your mistakes. Admit that your soul may have done a lot and now the price is being paid.
So what is important to cleanse the soul? Forgiveness. Ask for forgiveness. From what and from whom? It doesn’t matter. Forgive all those who have hurt you at any time, in any era. And ask for forgiveness from those you have hurt, at any time, in any era. What matters is the feeling that comes from the heart.
So, in these 24 hours that you will be receiving this Code, look at it. And every time you look at it, forgive and ask for forgiveness. It has the power to sweep through time and go to every possible point in your journey, forgiving and asking for forgiveness. This code will help you fulfill this role.
Believe me, this is a time of cleansing. Of the planet and your souls. And of your bodies as well. All cleansing is complex. It often makes more of a mess than it tidies up. But the mess has to be made. Because every corner must be touched, and every corner to be exposed, so that it can be cleaned.
Translated by Simarea Marques