Hilarion – Balance and Healing

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM HILARION!

I come to assure each one of you: The energy of balance, the energy of Love, the energy of healing is working in everyone. We are fully aware of everything that human beings have been induced to do to their bodies, through food and breathing, and what all this has done.

If you could look at the planet from the outside across the universe and have the ability to see all the energies that are around it, you would see that there is no definite color operating on the planet. There is a great rainbow, a great mixture of colors, of rays, of different frequencies, each acting on its objective.

The healing energy has already been on this planet for some time now, acting in the minds of its scientists and in the minds of those who actually believe that it is around there, just waiting for an action, a determination for it to act.

I’m not here to promise the elimination of your pain, or something magical and instantaneous. Because everything is part of a context, each one of you must have a deep intention to change. Mainly change food, change the way of seeing the world, change limiting beliefs, change the way of looking at people.

All of you are made up of billions of cells, but they are all driven and maintained by your brains. Your decisions, your actions, your thoughts, are the managers of this whole process and all the cells are very obedient, they act exactly with the order they receive. If an elevated feeling is emanated, this is replicated by all your cells and they begin to work with joy, gain strength and are even able to eliminate the bad parts that are sick today. It is as if you gave your cells an elixir, a powerful elixir that makes each one have extra strength to get rid of what is not original to it.

But this is slow work, not instantaneous, not fast. It would be quick if you were happy, happy and smiling 100% of the time. I would tell you that you would heal almost instantly, because added to all the energy that is already around you, your emanation of Light would be so powerful that it would do these miracles, but all of you are aware that the world itself does not allow you to smile all the time. You are still inserted in the whole context that was created by the Matrix, the problems are there, they are becoming more and more difficult, because they are the ones that will make the evolution of humanity.

So it seems to you that the cure is getting further and further away, that the relief of your pain becomes almost a difficult story to happen. But I tell you no, it’s like I said a moment ago: change has to be the result of a context of each small step taken each day. You will not be able to give that powerful elixir to your cells, but with each step taken, within the precepts of the Light, your cells will become younger, they will be reinvigorated and little by little, they will rise, they will become powerful.

And don’t forget that the great manager of this whole process is your thoughts; they command the whole process. Every thought is a wave you emanate, if it’s a positive wave your whole body will feel and respond in kind. And when it is negative, it will be the same way, your body will also respond. So what do you choose? Follow the path that will bring you more and more pain and illness, or go little by little changing your habits, your thoughts, your words… and more and more bringing your own cells a little balance so that they are strong and powerful to fight?

I’m not promising here anyone’s cure, because the process is slow, when it comes from you. I just want to remind you that there is the action of the Green Ray of healing around each one of you. It’s like it’s a help, so that along with your positive thoughts, you bring a little more strength and power to your cells. So see yourself involved by this Green Ray.

Let it work in your bodies as long as it wants, make it an exercise. When you go to bed, before falling asleep, see yourself as if you are inside a completely closed chamber, do not feed fears and phobias at this moment, everything is in your imagination. See inside this chamber a sweet breeze, running through your whole body and little by little, filling this chamber with a Green Light. If you want to fall asleep inside this chamber, do it. If you don’t trust it, just undo it.

Now it is very important to understand that this chamber will not work miracles, it will only be removing garbage, which your own cells have produced by your actions, by your decisions, by your emanating positive energy. They became strong and did a great cleaning. So this Green Light will clear out this rubbish and of course, it will also give an extra charge to each cell. And if this goes on for a long time, your bodies will start to come into balance and all the illnesses will seem to disappear, because your cells will be stronger than they are, and you will even believe that you have been cured. But at any false step, everything comes back, because the balance is gone.

The great wisdom at this moment is balance, it is to produce everything that is good for your cells. And an important point to consider: Your bodies are changing. You need to stock up on lots of water… lots of water! If possible, mark the time to drink water on your watches, so you don’t forget. It’s not small sips, it’s full glasses of water, each time.

No one can wash a dirty floor with a drop of water, it takes a full bucket. So it’s not a sip every half hour, which will help cleanse your body. It takes a considerable amount, a glass is a good size. Take several a day. How many? It’s up to each one, I would just say let your bodies speak, when you feel like drinking water, drink it, your body will tell you the right time, learn to listen to your bodies.

So my brothers, there are many healing tools for all of you available… free! But each one of you needs to become aware of what you do with your own bodies. Food is essential, what you drink, what you eat. Prefer fresh food, avoid ready-made food. Everything that has been packaged, bottled, industrialized is not good for your bodies.

Prefer the foods that you prepare, because you are putting in there, things that you know, avoid ready-made things.

There’s no way to avoid it, we know that the lives of many of you are hectic, so you use these tricks to gain time. But I ask you: you are gaining time, but what about your health and your body, what are you gaining? More imbalance. There are healthy alternatives for those who don’t have time. Juices and fruits are ready-to-eat, healthy foods that give you energy. But of course there will always be a catch, you will all tell me a series of setbacks about this whole process.

So, I answer you: there is a choice to be made, you want the cure, you want the balance of your body, but you don’t want to give up anything, you don’t want to change anything in your life. So there is no way to help you, stay in your habits, this is also a choice. Each one of you needs to make choices and I just say to you, cleansing your bodies brings balance as a whole. Connections with us get easier, connections happen more often, and you’re complaining that nothing happens. I wonder why! Make your choices and find or not, the path of balance.

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