Dear Brothers of the planet Earth! I AM HILARION!
The days are becoming more and more illuminated. This is because the Central Sun’s energies are increasing in intensity daily. So far, nothing is new; what is new is how each of you is going through this whole process. So I would like to give you all some instructions.
The energy that arrives is not known to your bodies, it is an energy of very high vibration, and your bodies are not used to it. And what can this energy bring to your body? Processes of imbalance, insomnia, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, tremors, muscle aches, and excessive tiredness. Each one of you may have all or none of these symptoms. Some more, some less. There is no way to change this.
We have always told you to try to keep your bodies clean, drink lots of water, and eat healthy things. The more you try to follow these warnings, the easier you will get through it all. But, on the other hand, the more unbalanced or contaminated your bodies are, the harder it will be to get through it all. This is because, besides the incoming energy, your bodies need to metabolize and throw out everything that is no good that is in there, thus causing a lot of discomfort for all of you.
The time is for light eating, for eating as fresh and natural as possible. Lots of fruit, vegetables, and greens; avoid meat as much as possible, and prevent everything of animal origin. Your bodies, a good majority of them, can no longer adequately metabolize what you eat of animal origin. Begin to observe this. Don’t insist, because more and more you will have more and more trouble.
It is no longer a matter of choice or principle. Your bodies are cleansing, and something of animal origin does not fall appropriately into your bodies, and more and more of you will feel the results. The time for change is long past; some still insist. We understand that food is often not conducive to letting go of animal foods completely. This is to the detriment of your own health, but don’t eat every day, at least go one day without eating anything animal. Eat one day and not the next to give your body time to get rid of what you ate the day before.
Don’t overload your body. Be conscious of what you are eating. We understand that this change in eating is not easy for many of you. It is not simple, but at least try to reduce the quantity. For example, don’t make your dishes only animal food; let it be the most minor portion on your plate until, little by little, you begin to balance and give up these foods.
Another critical point is feelings. Your body will complain when you don’t emanate positive feelings. The symptoms may be more strong or different than I have already mentioned. Your body changes are so intense that many of you will need medication. No, I am not exaggerating. The imbalance caused by so many energies and changes is so fierce that there is no time for your bodies to keep in balance. If there is already a problem, it intensifies.
So at this moment, it is necessary that each one of you, when you have constant, uninterrupted symptoms, seek a doctor. Take medicines in parallel with the energetic balance. I will repeat what Miguel taught here a while ago. When taking the medication of your world, just say, “Let this medicine be for the balance of my body .”This mantra removes any malignancy or negative energy in that medicine. It will act in your body only in its function.
It sounds a little strange what I am saying. Still, when the imbalance becomes intense, the help of the medicines becomes necessary. This will all pass. There will come a time when your bodies will be used to all this energy, and the imbalance will no longer exist. Of course, and obviously, you can seek healing through any of the treatments we teach, but at this point, it cannot be the only tool to use. In some cases, it is necessary to use the medicine.
Healing is not as simple as you might think. It is not just doing it and thinking that you will be cured. Instead, healing is the path to balance. Each treatment is like walking down a long corridor, and you heal a little more with each step you take. The medicine often speeds up this process until the day comes when this corridor has an end, and you are effectively healed at the other point when you come out.
It is not enough to enter and exit through a door. It is not enough to enter and go through a room, chamber, or through tube. No, it takes a complete change of mind and body, of feelings, of habits. The changes are massive for there to be effective healing. So don’t think you’ll do a single session and come out jumped up and cured in the front.
The walk is long, and the length of this corridor depends significantly on what each of you contributes to your own healing. Many people entering this corridor take one step forward and two steps back. What are the steps backward? They are the negative feelings, unregulated eating, it’s eating without water, negative thoughts, and negative attitudes, all outside Unconditional Love. So you take one step forward and a few steps back, which is why healing is so difficult.
For 100% healing to take place, it takes a total change. It takes a complete transformation in your being for it to happen. Many may think then that any holistic treatment is useless. No, it is not, because every time you undergo a cure, there is the possibility of balance. If simultaneously, you take the right attitudes, thoughts, and nutrition, you start walking down that corridor forward. Even if at some point you take a few steps back, you have already moved down the corridor.
So nothing is useless. The only thing I want you to keep in mind is that no treatment is miraculous. You may even reach a stage of balance whereby going through treatment, you come out cured. Still, if you take a step further on that, you feed the problem again, and it will come back because everything is a whole. You need all the dots to be aligned; a simple misalignment will bring you back down that corridor.
So there is a long road to change and consciousness in every way for each of you. As absurd as it may sound, many of you will need the medicines to help you accept and move within everything, and have a balance, even if it is artificial. Still, it will help you feel better, contributing to a step forward.
The certainty is that when you reach the end of this corridor, the medicine will no longer be on you because you will no longer need it. Still, at this moment, many need it. Don’t think that just the energies will keep you in balance; on the contrary, there are too many changes in one body, and this body doesn’t know how to handle these changes.
So the imbalance is enormous. So be aware of every symptom and every discomfort you have. Begin to observe what is bad for you and what is not, and use our energies as much as you want, always with common sense. It is no use doing the same treatment 100 times a day because you will overload your body even more, which already has to deal with so much energy. So you are abusing more power in it.
So have common sense. This is not the way you will heal yourselves. This is not the way you will balance yourselves. So everything has to be done gradually, but most importantly, consciously, lucidly, having a clear sense of every moment you live in.