Hilarion – Do Your Part for the Healing

Dear Brothers of Planet Earth, I AM HILARION!

It is with great joy that I can be here today, bringing good energies. So I would like to explain some things to you. Your planet is surrounded by healing energy. What is Healing Energy? It’s the energy of balance, but balance is not where the Light equals the imbalance; it’s the balance where the Light penetrates every cell, bringing total balance and totally eliminates any and all imbalances. Then you may ask, “Why are we not cured, and why is humanity so sick?” I’ll give you an example: I have a glass of water—pure, crystal-clear water that comes from fully illuminated Gaia. Although you do not see the Light of this water, it comes out of illuminated Gaia.

So, for some reason—a lousy thought, an annoyance, anything that makes you emanate a feeling of low vibration—changes the energy of that water. Remember that this glass of water is near you, then that energy contaminates that water. You don’t see it. For you, it continues to be pure and crystal-clear water, and so as time passes, you continue to emanate various feelings of low vibration and contaminate this water more and more. What happens to this water? It will reach a point where there will be almost no more Light; there will only be the feelings you emanate because the energy of that water is modified. So now let’s go to practice.

Everybody receives all of the healing energy that is on this planet and receives it with great intensity. But, for those aware of balance and know what needs to vibrate, this energy penetrates the cells almost 100%, and the feelings you emanate from you somatize this energy. So you stay in balance, feel nothing, and have no problems, pain, or illnesses; even those installed and that, within your conception, are incurable, remain dormant. So you stay in balance, and more and more, this energy works for healing and changing your body. So this is the ideal situation where very few people live today.

The great majority receive this energy; it acts on the cells, but you demand an intense charge of negative energy, which contaminates the cells again. It’s the same thing as throwing a bucket of water on a dirty floor; it cleans the floor, and the floor remains clean until the moment you throw something that makes it dirty or step on it with dirty shoes, at which point the floor is dirty again. That’s how your bodies are: we clean, and you get dirty. This sequence repeats itself every time, not in Earth time but in the universe time. That’s why you don’t get the cure because the feelings you emanate contaminate your body. Many felt pain again in places they hadn’t felt for a long time.

This is the Light action not for you to feel pain, but the Light is messing with that place to purify it. You realize that there is a point of attention in your body and that you have to respect that point of attention because it is not healed yet. This will all disappear within time and according to your behavior because you will be effectively cured. So on these points that I have already presented, I can add a few more. I can add what you eat, where the vast majority of food is contaminated. I can add the animals you eat, which degrade your cells. I can add the addictions you have to certain foods.

I can add the drugs you consume to your moment of joy. And I would be here talking about many things that defile your bodies. So I ask again: Why don’t you heal? There is an answer: you would have to detoxify everything that you have already consumed over time, which has spoiled your cells. It’s as if your cells today, totally deformed, are one-tenth of the living, healthy cells they once were. So the healing is slow and progressive for those who avoid it. If you continue to keep all this, the cure won’t come because when we clean, you contaminate yourselves.

Each one of you has a great deal of responsibility to facilitate your healing. So, don’t judge when we say that the healing energy is there and that you do several treatments, and nothing changes. So this: that all this energy that is coming in and all the treatments you do will help it not to get worse; that at least everything remains the way it is; don’t go forward. Instead, be grateful for everything you are receiving because if you weren’t receiving all this load of healing Light, you wouldn’t be where you are now, and you wouldn’t have been able to overcome the pandemic that existed on your planet. So instead of complaining that you do and do and nothing happens, first be grateful and then start doing a whole job of cleaning your bodies.

And how would this cleaning be done? First, stop ingesting all that I said; let it be little by little. But the simple fact that you decrease the amount improves a lot—your body changes, your thoughts change, your actions change, and the emanation of energy changes. This is fundamental so that everything effectively begins to be demonstrated. So please don’t put it in the hands of the energies; everything you expect from healing has to be done by you. You need to change, and you need to help what is coming to act. So every day, we give you a big bath, and you’re clean, and in a minute, you’re in the mud.

Are we to blame for you being dirty again? Or was it you who chose to stick your foot in the mud? It’s up to each one to think and analyze; don’t put all your hope in treatments. Be mine, be Maria’s, be the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, Sananda, it doesn’t matter whose. Nothing happens if you don’t change your posture; it just doesn’t get worse, but it won’t get better. Now when I say it doesn’t get worse, that also has an afterthought; it will depend on the amount you provoke your body. Because if you keep teasing in high doses, not even the treatments will be able to hold it, and you will get a lot worse. The Light that is arriving is transforming your bodies, but the transformation happens only in healthy cells; sick cells aren’t transformed.

So, it’s as if you were impacting the entire evolution process of your bodies and, with them, your minds, senses, and gifts. Because if your brain cells aren’t upgraded, your gifts won’t come back. It would be best if you were well-modified to receive everything you once had. This is the walk; you choose what to do. I want to emphasize: Don’t think you can do 24 hours of treatment, whoever you are, and then the next day, do whatever you want.

Drink all you want, eat all you want, say all you want, and everything will stay the same; it’s not like that. Start watching your bodies; sure enough, you will see the difference in time. But it would be best if you acted in parallel with a lot of discipline to effectively see the results.

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