Hilarion – Have Sananda by Your Side

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM HILARION!

Another cycle is coming to an end for you. For us, there is no calendar or time. But this collective consciousness is so strong, so ingrained in your minds, that it’s as if the planet follows every date imposed by you.

In this time of finalisation, you usually celebrate the birth of the one who brought liberation and Light to this planet: Sananda. It’s as if you created a big party in your hearts, a moment of pure Light, to welcome him into your homes. He knows it, he feels it.

Many people don’t remember what is being celebrated. Many get attached to the gatherings, the exchange of gifts, the ostentation, the unbridled consumption of food; and they forget the real reason for the date. I’m not going to make any comments here about the date. As I said, it’s already so deeply ingrained in you that there’s no changing it.

But there is a positive point to this whole process. The whole planet is illuminated. Of course, the light you use is not an energetic light, it’s the light created by man, brought by us to man. But it illuminates. It makes it beautiful. So I would say that even though we are a little way from the planet, we can see many beautiful things that are created at this time.

And the most important thing is that each of you connects with this beauty, even if it’s artificial, and fills your heart with joy. How can we say that all this is wrong? It’s as if you’ve followed a crooked path. But through this crooked path, you have created something very beautiful. It’s really beautiful to see.

The only point is that you must never forget who is hosting the party; who is actually being honoured. A family gathering should be filled with pure love. Not a social gathering, where one person is in the corner badmouthing the other person on the other side. Or that day when everyone gets together and decides to catch up on their differences.

There has to be real love and respect for the ‘birthday boy’, as you call him. It’s a party, not a meeting. It’s a party where everyone gets together. It’s a party where everyone is there around the table. So, for those of you who understand this whole process, avoid; avoid putting people in your homes who could bring imbalance, could bring disunity. If it’s really impossible, because the rest of your family doesn’t understand anything and you’ve already invited almost the whole family, fill yourself with Light, a lot of Light.

I would say that you can do something very simple: give Sananda your arm. Ask him to stand with you, to be by your side, and you will walk the whole time arm in arm, and he will protect you. And he’ll help you get through everything lightly and proudly.

Only comment on matters that are joyful, that bring laughter, that bring moments of great joy. For the rest, immediately ask for Sananda’s arm, and He will be by your side, supporting you, helping you through the moment. Don’t forget that.

Don’t throw away years of walking, just for a moment; just for 2 holidays: one that actually celebrates the birthday boy and the other that for you represents the end of the calendar year. At both, call on Sananda. Don’t make the festivities a time to let go of everything. ‘Oh, today I’m going to forget everything I’ve done!’ Watch out! The moment is approaching. And if you let yourself be carried away by this energy, you could lose your turn. Because nurturing your consciousness of Light is difficult, costly and time-consuming. But knocking it down is quick, almost instantaneous.

So know how to hold your ground. If you don’t want to say anything, don’t. Give Sananda your arm and shut up. You’ll look a bit airy-fairy, absent-minded, and many will comment. Just say: ‘I’m introspective. I’m thinking about the great birthday boy.’ Or on another date: ’I’m thinking about everything that’s happened to me this year.’ And say no more.

I repeat, take part in conversations that bring you joy, that make your heart explode with joy. Laugh a lot, smile; this can be done. Any other conversation, any other subject, stay away. I don’t want to take the shine off these parties for you, but it’s precisely at these parties that the Matrix is preparing a few little things to throw you off balance. And it’s up to each of you to keep your balance. We’ll do our bit, of course. But there is a collective consciousness that helps the Matrix do what it wants.

So just be ready. And don’t forget to ask for Sananda’s arm at any time.

Translated by I Arantes

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