Hilarion – Journey of Forgiveness – Sixth Round

Dear Brothers of the planet Earth! I AM HILARION!

It is with a pleasant surprise that I find myself here, almost at the end of this journey. Why be surprised, since everything we have planned for you is not accepted by everyone? Not everyone follows it or does it willingly. So it is a great surprise to me to see how committed you are, carrying out every point of the journey by letting us guide you. Of course, we still expect this of you, but free will is what often determines your paths.

You can change your mind at any moment, see yourselves in other ways of walking, and keep going or not. It depends a lot on your human mind. Be sure you are doing good work, and be aware that this work does not reverberate only in you but on the Whole. And this is happening very fast because with the energies approaching, the cleaning on you is being sped up.

As always, the Green Ray comes to heal; it brings healing. Not only the physical, as many wish, but the main one, which is the healing of the soul, of those points that are nothing but the source that reverberated the diseases you have now. The day will come when your bodies will no longer vibrate the illnesses. You will be totally cured. But this will also depend on each one’s journey. The main thing is being done, which is the cure of the soul.

Your souls no longer reverberate pain, suffering, or trauma. These are all being gradually wiped from the memories of your souls. Over time, little by little, many illnesses will fade away just as they came, quickly or slowly. You have to trust in what is being done. It has already been said that, some time ago, you were more like a clay doll. We could hardly see the Light on your souls because of so many layers of pain, suffering, and blockages placed there.

Today we already see your souls. A large part of these blockages has already been removed, which is magnificent. Many of you still wonder what is going on with your souls because nothing has changed in your life. It is that same old vision, old thing and routine of you, but I would say, and I do say, that little by little you will realize it. You will be able to see, in certain situations, what you have changed. Don’t get attached to it.

Don’t think that because you don’t feel anything, nothing is happening. That is a lack of faith and trust in what is being done. If you trust, don’t mind if you feel the change or not, just believe it is happening. We see your souls being cleansed, becoming purer and perfect as they once were. This is wonderful.

Each clean soul is one more bright spot on the planet. A while ago, we saw your souls glowing because the glow of a soul is intense when it is of the Light. It is as if some spaces inside that carapace would let the Light pass, so we would see little rays coming out of each soul, mainly in the Chakras. Today, we hardly notice the difference between the Light of the Chakras and the Light of the soul because your own Light is showing up a lot. So today, we see many little bright spots all over the planet, and we are sure they are being released, freed to have all the powers they once had.

Believe my brothers, ascension is not easy, for I’ve been there. It is not an easy journey, not at all; it is time-consuming and sometimes painful. But when you ascend and reach the Fifth Dimension, you will just say: it was all worth it. The feeling in your heart will be different; your mind will vibrate other emotions, no longer those you do today. The environment will be different, and so will the people. So don’t give up on anything or anyone. The choice is up to each one of you. Don’t allow anyone to stop your ascension to the Fifth Dimension.

Be free, and, for that, you need to go on this journey to the end. And then, on the last day of the final lap, your souls will be full of Light and Love. For some of you, it is not easy to break through many beliefs and blockages. Just ask for our help. We will surely give each one of you our Light and Love, and you can overcome every obstacle. Some of you are still reticent about this turn and a little afraid about the next one.

So what will be the function of my Green Ray? First, to bring confidence, certainty, and healing to these doubts. So that you can continue knowing that this is the path, where each soul only has to be bound to another by one feeling: Love. Nothing else will keep them together, connected to each other. This Love does not imprison, it only holds together, and when for some reason it stops existing, it frees, releases, asks, and demands for nothing.

This is Unconditional Love. That is where you are headed, to feel it fully and love so much. You have no idea the meaning of living an unconditional love; to have a partner to love and to be loved unconditionally. You will be together as long as there is this Love. Tomorrow, new paths, new directions, everyone is free. There is no resentment, suffering, or pain. Only the happiness of seeing the other being happy. There is detachment.

Walk into this Love and be sure that no sentiment you have experienced so far on this planet is infinitesimally a piece of Unconditional Love. Live, walk to live this feeling which is the Love of Father-Mother God, is the Love of each of us for every being in the universe, no matter who he is. Walk for it, and be sure you will not regret it.

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