Hilarion-Receive My Energy of Healing and Balance

Dear brothers and sisters of the planet Earth! I AM HILARION!

Now, I come to you to bring equilibrium and comfort to your bodies. Whenever we transmit a message, it’s infused with our energy. So now, you’re receiving all the balanced energy that I’m emanating into your body and mind. And why is this necessary? You’re being intensely bombarded with Light that your bodies aren’t used to. Because of this lack of adaptation, your body may react in various ways, including intense heat, cold waves, nausea, dizziness, and, in extreme cases, vomiting and diarrhea.

All this happens because the energy coming in has never been metabolized by your physical body. It’s an energy that is highly superior to the energy your earthly physical body knows. Each physical body is made up of a battery that keeps you alive. This battery is the Divine Spark, which gives that kick-start to every chemical reaction in your body so that it keeps working and active.

In your world, you know electrical voltages, and when that energy becomes much more potent, it has to be handled so that you can access it. Similarly, you don’t put your finger in the socket. If you do, you’ll receive a discharge far more significant than your physical body can withstand and, in some cases, even cause death.

Of course, the energy from the Alcyon Light is not electric; it is an etheric, subtle, but compelling energy. Your bodies have never dealt with this energy, not at this intensity. It is as if your body reacted to try to metabolize all this so as not to cause you harm. Then all these reactions that you have, it’s like they are by-products of what your bodies can metabolize.

I continue to speak here, and the energy continues to be absorbed by your body, my power of healing and balance. So all these symptoms are healed and diminished, and you can always keep yourself more and more balanced. As the days go on, your body will get used to this energy, and gradually you will not feel any of these symptoms. It’s also part of this Light to attune your bodies and prepare them for this intense energy. And, of course, this Light also transforms your bodies; the transformation into crystalline is taking place.

There are many reactions your body is unaware of and has a little more difficulty absorbing. And my energy of balance and healing is still being sent to you. So don’t be afraid of anything. Everything happens to everyone, regardless of belief, level of awareness, or any other factor. Everyone is receiving this Light. Each body is being transformed.

Each body receives the Light differently. Those with highly evolved awareness are only faced with chemical processes and all these reactions I have already explained. Those who aren’t yet aware of anything are going through a process of extreme effervescence within their minds. Because all those modes of control that were there are being destroyed. It’s as if they are feeling lost, not knowing what to do; they are beginning to see things differently but don’t understand how to do it.

So, many are going into extreme imbalance because of their conduct in this Third-Dimensional world. Could you say that many are becoming more violent and unbalanced? Yes, you could. Because their minds can no longer fit into anything and there’s no love in their hearts, the mind tends to follow the path of non-Light. And the non-light is there to absorb each of those souls and make them perform the most outrageous and horrific acts you’ve ever witnessed.

Don’t understand it as exacerbating fear. That is the reality that you are living and that you will live more and more. It’s already been said that your world will plunge into a wave of revolt and violence against everything and everyone when the truth comes out. Now it will be up to you to dive into this wave or stand aside from it. Who will be in this wave? Those who today don’t practice love in any way. They will be responsible for starting this great wave, causing the imbalance of the planet’s systems in the last stage of what they can still cause here.

We watch, and every soul of Light on this planet will be led to step away from this wave. They will stay above it so that they aren’t enveloped nor picked up by these thoughts of low vibration. And in the end, you’ll have just that residue of controlled, unstructured, non-thinking masses. These masses will also be treated by us, and one way or another, they won’t stay on the planet. We can say that this will be the first stage of separating the wheat from the chaff because we need to start a long process of changing the mindset of this planet. They cannot be here anymore because it would be, as you say, mopping the rain; we would do a job on one side, and they would do it on the other, trying to erase everything we do. New times are coming.

So it’s up to you to isolate yourself from this great mass, to let it be tangible, visible, and not mixed up among you. So you need to rise up from this great mass, and then each one of you will be able to see it clearly, without a doubt that it exists. And everyone you have adored, applauded, idolized, and loved, you’ll no longer see like before. But let there be no judgment. It won’t be up to you; these persons are already being judged by their own decisions and conduct on the planet about you.

I would like to make a brief comment: stop idolizing others. Would you worship yourself? Do you think you are perfect enough to be idolized? But respond without ego. So idolize no one, because the ones you think are fantastic, excellent, symbols of an era, people worth following, you’ll be surprised. And there will be no self-judgment at this time either because you have been deceived or manipulated into seeing them the way they aren’t. And that’s why you think they’re a myth, an idol, and you’ll feel so angry about the lost time.

So now is not the time to idolize anyone. Don’t do that; you’ll be angry afterward. The time has come to see everybody as a human who makes mistakes and bad choices. The day will come when they will be held accountable for their bad decisions, just like you. So then idolize no one, and put no one on a pedestal. You shouldn’t put yourself on a pedestal because you can’t value yourself. That is ego.

So my brothers and sisters, use this energy I have released into you during this video for balancing and healing. And whenever you need it, whenever you feel unbalanced, call upon me, and I’ll be ready to release a wave of energy and healing into your physical bodies. And you will manage, gradually, to achieve balance and reason. But always, never forgetting reason, but with much Unconditional Love.

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