Hilarion – The Bodies’ Reactions

Dear Brothers and sisters of the planet Earth! I AM HILARION!

Whenever we can be here with you at this moment, it brings great joy to our hearts to be able to share and expand our feelings and our energy with all of you.

How is the structure of your bodies, and what changes are taking place? We can say that it’s as if everything you had inside your bodies was covered with a film; a hard, almost indestructible film. And what was the purpose of this film creation? To prevent your cells from absorbing the light that surrounds this planet. Not allowing your bodies to evolve.

This is just an idea for you to understand. That’s not how it happens, but that’s the aim, to block everything in your bodies so that no absorption of Light can take place, because if it did, you would begin to free yourselves from this whole process. And so it was for a long time until the process of the planet’s ascension began.

This process hasn’t just started, it’s been going on for a long time. Let’s say it’s like a ball rolling on a surface, where when the slope is small, the ball rolls little; if the slope is large, it picks up speed. So the process of ascension began many decades ago. It began slowly, with all the preparation of the planet itself, of you, and of everything around you, so that when this moment arrived, in which you are now living, the speed was already well accelerated. And with that, the whole process in you also accelerates. So that “film” is being destroyed. The Light of Alcyon is penetrating your bodies down to the innermost atom of each one of you. There is nothing to stop the Light of Alcyon from reaching you. And when it reaches this “film”, the Light is dissolving it, allowing your cells to look at the Light again, to breathe Light again. And this intense process of Light is changing the entire existence of your cells, because various chains that were dormant, DNA chains, are being awakened, bringing back everything that is part of you.

Nothing is earned. Nothing is acquired, it’s part of you. But your bodies today, with their carbon structure, can’t adapt very well, because this body, this structure, was created for this dimension. So changes are happening, vigorously, within your bodies. And each of you is experiencing these changes in your way.

Some feel nothing at all. And what does it mean to feel nothing at all? It means that the process is happening very slowly, gently, you could say, but it is happening. No body on this planet is invisible to the Light. Everyone is being changed. I can also tell you that there is a difference between the degree of Light you emanate. The more Light you emanate, the more Light you attract, the more the process accelerates. This doesn’t mean that those who feel nothing at all, aren’t emanating Light. They are, many are on the way, but as I have said, it’s part of the body itself to keep this process still a little slow.

Bodies are not the same. Some are stronger, others more fragile. So it’s up to the awareness of one’s own body as a whole to allow this change at the right speed. So many feel nothing, and many are having a good time. What to do in these cases for those who are experiencing many intense changes? Try to find as much balance as possible. Drink lots of water and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, so that all these factors contribute to your body being able to remain in balance as much as possible, but still in this dimension.

Don’t worry that you’re acquiring problems you’ve never had before. If these problems are inherent to these changes, no doctor will find any problems. Everyone will look at your symptoms and say: “This will pass. I haven’t found anything that justifies taking medication”. And so it will be because the imbalance is not for you to clog up with medicines, that would not be something proper to the Light.

And as we’ve always said here: there are imbalances in your bodies, go to the doctors, because they’re not always ascension imbalances. It could be that your bodies needs help. So don’t put everything in the hands of the ascension and forget to treat yourself. Unfortunately, I have to tell you that this whole process will accelerate over time because every day Gaia speeds up her process so that she reaches her ascension at the right time.

And this process is going perfectly according to plan, neither faster nor slower. So it’s up to each one of you, to take care of yourself, to be in nature, to walk with your feet in nature, to bathe in the sea, to take waterfall baths, to always be close to one energy from the planet to a pure energy that comes from the planet. This will greatly help your bodies to keep themselves balanced, to keep themselves clean. Because when you bathe in the water of the Earth, this water is so wonderful and so powerful that it pulls out all the garbage that’s left inside your body, literally cleansing your body.

Many times, the symptoms you have are the garbage your body doesn’t metabolize, that it doesn’t understand what to do with. So always have these habits. Use the Earth’s water to harmonize your bodies, to balance your bodies. And rest assured, all this will pass. It may even intensify a little along the way from here on in, but if you keep your balance, you’ll get through everything smoothly, because this is Divine.

This whole process contains the Love of God the Father/Mother, and nothing that contains the Love of God the Father/Mother is meant to destroy or hurt; it’s the opposite, it is always meant to evolve. So always be ready. Always be balanced. And you’ll get through this whole process easily. Don’t complain about anything. Complaining about symptoms has an interesting pattern: the garbage becomes more garbage, more harmful because you are feeding it with bad energy, something that is no longer balanced.

So don’t complain. Never about what you’re feeling. And stay in balance. Always. Use the Earth’s water in any way you like. Abuse this process and you will find much relief. You can believe that.

Translated by: Ivana Bueno

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