Dear Brothers and Sisters of the planet Earth! I AM HILARION!
It is important that you listen to what I am going to say very carefully. This lightning walk is serene, quiet, and not a walk where you have to take some actions or decisions. And many of you are wondering what the real purpose of it is.
What do you understand about each process that we create? You understand what your minds are ready to understand, still within the energy of the Third Dimension. Each meditation we give you contains Light Codes, contains energy, and when you do it, you receive these Light Codes, but because you see nothing and often feel nothing, you think that nothing is happening, that it is just a set of words with music in the background, used to maybe even fool you.
Then I ask a question: Are we sitting back or simply apathetic to everything that happens? Would we allow them to use our name to simply deceive the other? I believe many of you are starting to make great strides in the opposite direction to the Light because you are no longer believing in anything. But we understand that this all has a single reason: The hike is not available to everyone (available I mean without payment).
It’s interesting how you distort everything that happens. And I’ll make something very clear here. Those who bought it, but with a contrite heart, with a judgmental heart, I would say give it some time, don’t do the walk now, because you will first need to clean all that is there inside, review your beliefs and concepts, stop judging and criticizing the other; then yes, when you realize that all that you have emanated has been released, then it will be time for you to walk the walk. Because for those who have this feeling nothing comes down, no Light Code comes down, and more and more you feel doubtful of what you are doing.
We don’t demand, nor do we ask, and even less do we beg you to believe in what we do, but everything has a purpose and everything has a why. And really, we can clearly see who believes and who doesn’t, just by one detail, one difference. And there is another very interesting point: the vast majority follow what is presented daily, that is, they listen to the messages, think about them, and try to improve, but they are together, there, following along. They may not do it daily, but they do it once in a while, they take a day off to update everything, no matter how they do it, they are following the path together with the group.
But interesting are those who appear out of nowhere, because they heard someone talk about it, and then rush to win to have access. Then I ask: For what purpose? We are not distributing candy, or distributing toys, or interesting things, this is not a free distribution of anything here.There is a purpose to this walk, so it is not that you arrive from nothing, without learning what has already been done here, and simply want access also because you heard someone say so or saw someone doing it. For you too, the walk will be of no use, you will receive nothing because you are doing it for the sake of doing it, someone told you, someone commented that it was good, so you go there and want to do it too. Don’t waste your time, you won’t be ready for it.
So I want to make it very clear here to everybody: This walk is an elevation, it is a quantum leap in your walk. Now, receive this leap, receive the Codes of Light those who do it with Love, those who do it because they understand that it is good for the journey. Those who want to use walking as a springboard to take a leap and not have to do anything else are not getting anything. I am sorry to tell you.
Then many are already replying to me, “So I lost the amount I paid!” It depends on you. If you start looking at your walk with Love and care, and understand what the Second Ray Walk means, then you can do it again and again, and you will receive everything it has to offer. Now as long as you tie it to values, you will receive nothing.
So I ask each one now to do a self-analysis: “How am I facing this walk? What went on in my heart when I acquired it? Gratitude, joy or anger, criticism, and judgment?” Because it will depend a lot on how to open your heart to it or not so that you receive what it has to offer you.
Do not use what we create and do as something miraculous, because it is not. Change is still necessary, learning is still necessary, and what does the Codes of Light it descends do to you? It broadens your consciousness, cleanses your body, cleanses your aura, but it is not that cleansing of the wrong things you have done; it is a cleansing of the garbage that is left, of what has already been dealt with, but something is still there to be cleaned.
So I ask each one now to do a self-analysis: “How am I facing this walk? What went on in my heart when I acquired it? Gratitude, joy or anger, criticism, and judgment?” Because it will depend a lot on how to open your heart to it or not so that you receive what it has to offer you.
Now it is up to each one of us to believe it or not. So in closing, I’ll say it again: The Codes of Light only come down to those who have an open heart, to those who effectively understand what this path means, and have received it with Love and gratitude. Only these will receive all that it can offer them.
Translation made by Viviana Accorsi on 04/27/2023