Hilarion — What Old Habits Bring to Us

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM HILARION!

Today, I bring with me a gift—a gift to each one who is listening to me at this moment—a small box, a little box that fits into the hands of each of you. I will tell you what to do with this box at the end of this encounter. 

Today, I would like to explain a few things. What is your physical body? It is something quite complex that the vital energy existing in your bodies maintains. The primary source of this energy is the Divine Spark. It keeps your bodies alive, and through the air, food, and water, you keep this body fed with more energy. 

Therefore, understand what I am saying: energy. Many think that your bodies are just bodies, nothing else. They exchange nothing, they receive nothing and emanate nothing. On the contrary, each human body receives everything around it and emanates everything generated by your thoughts, words, actions, and even by what you feed on. 

Therefore, there is always an exchange in which you put out many things and receive many things from the outside. And how does this happen? Through energy centers in your bodies called chakras. Each of them has a specific function, and all need to work in a harmonical way so that there is health and balance of mind, body, and spirit. 

Thus, going back to what I said a while ago, you exchange with the environment all the time. Therefore, if you are in nature, with the soles of your feet directly stepping on Gaia’s body, getting wet with Gaia’s waters, or just walking in a forest, you are absorbing Mother Earth’s pure energy. You are absorbing pure energy from the one who created you. And that is wonderful because that absorbed energy is pure, clean, and naturally balanced. Moreover, it also has the power to balance unbalanced chakras. 

Similarly, you enter an environment where vice, drinking, and casual encounters reign. There, it is always pleasure for the sake of it. There is no involvement. So, that environment creates its egregore, and when you enter an environment like that, you also exchange and receive that energy. If you are peaceful, balanced people, that will affect you very little. You will only need your minds to remain balanced and know how to clean off that dirtiness afterward, and everything will return to balance. 

Now, you do nothing of that, and worse, you often go to those places. Then, I will tell you that you are constantly attracting imbalance, and that will cause physical and mental illnesses to appear. Many of you do not understand why certain conditions occur: they are often generated by the environments you go to. So, that is another point. Therefore, so that you do not forget, you constantly emanate and receive energy. 

So, let us talk about an exchange: the most perfect possible. When Father-Mother God created two beings who love each other—but true Love, balanced Love, pure Love—when there is an interaction between those bodies, an energy explosion occurs. An explosion of feelings and pleasures occurs. But those explosions are generated by pure Love, sincere Love, a Love existing between the two. Therefore, it is a beneficial energy to both because, in the moment of the energy explosion, your chakras fill with Light, grow in size, and bring to your bodies all that balance, that pleasure that, however, came from pure Love. 

Father-Mother God created that. Otherwise, there would be no sense in all that chemical process that was created. So, I am talking about an extreme circumstance in which there is Love from both sides, but a balanced Love, a consented Love, and a perfect Love, without demanding, without any kind of negative feeling attached to it. All right. 

Now, I am turning to the other extreme: two bodies unite without any Love, only pleasure for the sake of it. In that moment, there is no source of Love. Is there an explosion? There is. But I would ask a question: explosion of what? It is just chemistry because, internally, there is an explosion of the feelings present at that moment, which are often not very good. They might even be good, but they cannot generate that necessary explosion that benefits both bodies. 

Therefore, a chemical explosion occurs, and all feelings that each one carries are exchanged with the other. It does not matter if it was a moment of pleasure. What each one is carrying in that moment in their minds is passed into the other one, and what the other one is feeling is passed into you. And what might the other one be thinking about? And the other one would ask: what are you thinking about? So, it is a moment in which a complete imbalance is generated because pleasure for the sake of it does not generate balance. It generates anything but balance.

So, there are these two edges: complete balance and complete imbalance. And there, in the middle, there will be numerous situations in which each time you touch someone’s body, and now I will talk no more about pleasure; I will talk about anything. What happens when you touch each other, body to body, heart to heart? Exchange happens. In that moment, you might even have an emotion, a somewhat pleasant feeling. But how is your aura? Do you live in a bed of roses? Do you live emanating 100% Love and Light daily? Because I would say that you would no longer be there if you were doing that. You would be in the Fifth Dimension a long time ago. 

So, your aura is charged with everything you live: your moments of sadness, your moments of deception, your moments of anger, everything a human being lives. Everything is there in your aura. Therefore, an exchange happens when you get close to another person and touch his heart with yours. You begin to share feelings. You give and take. There is no other way. “Oh! But at that moment, I was happy to meet that person.” Yes, but everything you carry is also exchanged.

I think it is unnecessary to say that all this was very well planned. It was a habit created precisely for that: so that you do not keep balance and always be unbalanced, and that is what all of them wanted to be able to manipulate you. Therefore, my brothers, the exchange between bodies is rather serious, especially when there is a heart with a heart. There are other ways of greeting. A hand-shake is less destructive, much less because you are only touching the hands’ chakras. There is no heart-to-heart meeting. Therefore, we can say that it is still a greeting, I would say, acceptable. 

Similarly, kisses on the cheeks are also acceptable if there is no heart-touching. However, we cannot forget one thing: your auras are immense. They are not your bodies’ size. Therefore, when you get close to someone for a hand-shake only or to kiss on the cheeks, your auras meet, and an exchange occurs; it is not as intense as a heart-to-heart meeting, but there is an exchange. 

So, I know that many here think all this seems like a joke or something that makes little sense. But we know the total sense it makes. I would only say that showing Love is something rather serious. It is not what you do on Earth. I have also lived that and acted in the same way as you do. Showing Love is pure Love, that balanced Love. Any other thing is not Love. 

So, it is difficult for you to find that balance because you have been used to talking about Love for anything, not true Love. Therefore, my brothers, reconsider it. But, as we have always said, everything is a choice. And if you think all this is nonsense and that you will keep having your habits, all right, all right. Now, do not forget a little thing: you cannot make anyone do what they do not want to. Therefore, if you open your arms and another person does not answer you, do not judge him for that. He does not wish to be hugged. It is a road that goes back and forth. 

Do not do anything against his will. Think about that. That is a proceeding you need to begin to change. And that is not sopping to love. That is not showing Love. Showing Love is caring, tenderness, and attention. Those who truly love each other can—then yes—exchange hugs. Families can exchange because there is Love, theoretically. But, even then, you are exchanging between yourselves. That does not change. Now, avoid doing that with someone with whom you do not live, know, or do not know what goes on in that person’s mind and do not know that person’s life. I assure you that, with time, you will notice a significant difference in health and in your own mind. 

Now, it is up to each one to accept or not what I have said. But at least try it, and you will see the difference. 

As to the box I brought at the beginning, put into it all feelings other than Love you are feeling now. And I will cure them one by one. But be careful so that they do not come back again.

Translation by Joana Rodrigues

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