Intraterrestrial Being – We Emanate Love for You

Dear Brothers on the surface of planet Earth! I am an INTRATERRENOUS brother!

It doesn’t matter what my name is. I am coming to you, to explain a little about our existence.

When this planet plunged into the darkness of the Third Dimension, when consciousness was lowered, we could not leave the entire world under the influence of those who came here.

They came with permission from Father/Mother God for the human race to experience duality. They didn’t come here to invade this planet, they came to bring the lessons necessary for each one’s evolution. When consciousness was lowered to the Third Dimension, many of us retreated into the planet’s interior and maintained the Fifth Dimension.

Our homes are totally within the Fifth Dimension. We are subtle, we can appear physically or not, according to our will, and with this, we have kept the balance on this planet, otherwise, the planet would have been destroyed by now. Yes, the dark ones planted their bases, explored the planet, and did everything you already know today, but this was not the plan. The plan was only that you would live within duality and know the consequences of living away from Source.

It turned out that the human race adapted very well to them. Human beings, copies of them, were implanted on the planet as leaders of their people, and in this way, they could control everything that happened on the planet. Equality never happened because they dominated everything and defined how everything should happen; who should be rich, who should be poor. This story you already know, only now their time is up. They have gone way beyond what they came here to do.

They have manipulated you, created beings totally depending on them and submissive to them, but this is ending, and these beings will be revealed and very soon will be removed from the planet. But this story will be another story, which will be told in the future by all those who evolve along with the planet. The others, those who still vibrate with everything they taught, will not stay here to tell any story, they will be removed from the planet.

We the Intraterrestrials, and all the other beings that are in the center of the Earth, living under the surface, will resurface. You will know us, you will know our world, our homes, and our families. Whether we return to live on the surface or not, we have adapted very well to our world inside the Earth. It is pure and wonderful, but this is a question that we are not concerned with now.

We have been doing great work together with the Lemurians, together with the Atlantians, so that we can keep the energy of the planet as high as possible. We were with you a short time ago, emanating all our Love and energy to that place, so everything that happened that day was possible.

We are open to communicating with you if you call us with much Love and respect; not out of curiosity, not to know how we are or live. Love will always have to be the emanated feeling. Very, very soon, you will be with us, and all this torment, the evil that you are still going through, will be eliminated. You will learn new things, you will learn new concepts, you will learn to respect each other and the planet, and mainly, to respect the animals. All live with us harmoniously, all are gentle and live together inside our houses without any problems.

There for, my earthly brothers, from the surface of the planet, be ready. Elevate yourselves, vibrate much Light, and very, very soon we will all be together celebrating the Victory of Light, celebrating the elevation of planet Earth, the elevation of the souls that effectively want to evolve.

So, I’m leaving with you all of the Love of my people and all of the energy that we can emanate for each of you. Feel in this moment a great wave of energy, of Love flowing through your bodies. This is what you will have in the future, only Love.

Translated by Viviana Accorsi

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