You can do this meditation sitting or lying down.
You cannot sleep. If you sleep, repeat only this meditation.
I am beside you, and I put both my hands on your chest, emanating my Blue Ray throughout your body.
See yourself and feel the energy of Blue Ray.
Inhale deeply this Blue Ray, and when exhaling, start throwing away all the feelings you disagree with your parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins, brothers, and sisters.
Inhale deeply three times.
Now, I put my left hand on the top of your head; the other hand remains in your heart.
Repeat with me:
“I ask my Higher Self to rupture all the energetic connections that my soul has with the incarnated Souls of my family, above and at the same level as me.
I am grateful to each soul for everything they taught me and made me arrive here. From now on, we will be connected only by Love, and may each soul find its own way to the Fifth Dimension.”
Now I remove my hands from your body, and you will be involved in this giant bubble of Blue Light for the process to begin.
Stay within this bubble of Blue Light for ten minutes.
The rupture begins after this time and will occur gradually each day until the last ray, where all the connections will be effectively eliminated.
Each day observe the subtle changes that will happen.
You need to note.
Be sure that Love is the essential feeling that may unite two Souls.
Stay in this bubble of Blue Light for as long as you wish.
The crystal on your chest was activated and will emanate Blue Light until the next ray.
To end up, just breathe deeply sometimes and gradually return to your consciousness.
This round does not have a prayer.