Journey of Forgiveness – Hilarion – First Round – Meditation 5

You should be seated for this meditation.

Sit down comfortably and take some deep breaths.

Imagine you are sitting in a place that brings you so much joy.

No matter the place, feel the joy in your heart to be seated there.

You can be standing, seated directly on the ground, lying there. Whatever the position, the most important is that your heart overflows with joy, the joy of a child who runs without limitation, worries about the danger, and just being happy.

Look around you and see your environment.

Put everything you want into this environment, provided at each new object or thing, your heart becomes more joyful and radiant.

Take a profound look at that place.

Feel that your heart is delighted.

Now, close your eyes to that place and your world.

I am in front of you.

I put my hands on your head.

Feel my energy running throughout your body.

You will prepare yourself to receive something or not. There is no difference. If you don’t see or listen to anything, know that your soul has already shown itself to me and knows the action we will treat.

Stay in that position for 2 minutes.

No matter what you saw or felt, the action will be treated.

If you had the consciousness, just bring the correspondence of the lesson you must learn to your world. Otherwise, just reflect and observe your walk, seeing where you have already gotten. You will remain in this process for five minutes.

Now open your eyes in that place.

I am not in front of you but left a gift for you.

Look ahead, and you will see something.

All of you will see it because I will make you see it.

This gift will be with you forever. It is like a small talisman you think about and has in your hands in moments when your body is not in equilibrium.

When you imagine that this small talisman is in your hands, I will be right away with you and will balance your entire body.

There is no way you can’t see this talisman.

If you didn’t see, repeat the meditation until you see.

Now, breathe deeply and feel again in your heart that joy you felt initially.

Don’t forget to have your talisman with you, and whenever you need to, use it with much love.

Breath deeply, and with every breath, return your consciousness to the place where you are in your physical world.

Keep that talisman in your heart, and take it between your hands whenever you need it.

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