Journey of Forgiveness – Lanto – Seventh Round – Meditation 2

This meditation should be done seated or lying down, depending on what is most comfortable for you. But, if you fall asleep, just repeat this meditation.

Make yourself comfortable and breathe deeply three times.

I’m now surrounding you in a huge golden yellow light bubble.

You’re glowing so brightly.

I put my right hand on your chest, activating the crystal inside, and it also started to emanate the Golden Yellow Light.

Feel all this energy flowing through your body.

Take a couple of deep breaths into this energy.

Now, see yourself standing upright, floating in the air.

Don’t forget to take the Golden Yellow Bubble with you. You are inside it. You may or may not see that from your feet come some connections.

Whether you see them or not is irrelevant; whether they exist is not. Now say it after me:

I ask my Higher Self to remove all the energy bonds that have existed with my descendants throughout my soul journey. So that we may be free Souls and everyone may follow the way of Love and Gratitude.

Now you will stay for five minutes inside this bubble, and those connections will be dealt with and broken.

We are still on the second ray, and it is not until the end, on the seventh ray, that each of those connections will actually be broken.

But with each ray, the force diminishes, the intensity decreases, and they no longer exist in the end.

Remain in my yellow gold bubble until the next ray of light.

I give you my wisdom for you to spend this time in Peace, Harmony, and Light.

To finish this meditation, inhale slowly and gradually return to your consciousness.

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