Journey of Forgiveness – Nada – Fifth Round – Meditation 6

This meditation should be done sitting or lying down, whichever position is more comfortable.

If you fall asleep, just repeat this meditation.

I am beside you, covering you with a big Red Light bubble from my Red Ray.

Feel the energy of this Ray envelop your entire being.

Take three deep breaths of this Red Light.

You are now filled with my Red Ray Light, internally and externally. I place my hand on your chest, and that crystal emanates Red Light from my Red Ray.

This Light will give you the energy and the strength to meet the end of this journey.

Repeat after me:

“I ask my Higher Self to break all connections to my ancestors who served as a pathway to my birth.

I leave Love and Gratitude for all that has been passed on to me.

Let us follow our journey towards ascension and the path defined by God the Father/Mother.”

You will remain within My Red Ray for ten minutes to begin this process and eliminate all those links. After that, only the black-hearted ones will remain who have not accepted or do not want to accept, losing the connection that leads to you.

Tomorrow, though, a lot of work will be done, and all ties will be eliminated.

After this time, remember to ask me for help if you see, hear, feel, or dream of anything regarding these connections.

And the request should be immediate.

Hold no attachment to these connections; tomorrow, they’ll be terminated on the next Ray.

You will be under the influence of my Red Ray until tomorrow, until the Violet Ray.

Believe me, you are free of all these ties, and each of them is free of precedents.

That’s the goal, that’s the foundation, and that’s what’s coming.

So it is.

So it will be.

I AM Master Nada, and if you don’t have a connection to any dark-hearted soul, all your links have already been eliminated. It will happen tomorrow if any still remain because of this counter energy.

Be sure to call me if anything different happens.

Keep breathing deeply and slowly.

When you come back to consciousness, say the prayer posted in the other video.

Become totally involved in my Red Ray.

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