You should do this meditation seated.
Seat comfortably.
Take some deep breaths.
Imagine that you inspire a White Light, and when you expire, you throw away the bad things, unbalance, and lack of love in your body and mind.
Then, inspire the White Light and expire everything you wish.
Inspire the White Light and expire all you want to throw away.
Inspire the White Light and expire all you want to get rid of.
Maintain a light breath, a deep and light breath.
See yourself in a room, a vast and round room.
There’s a Light over you; still, you perceive there are windows.
Stand up and select one of those windows to open.
When you open that window, say: “I open myself to forgiveness.”
Now, wide-open the window. See the Light that comes to you.
Now go to the next window.
When opening the next window, say: “I open myself to ask for forgiveness.”
Open wide the window and receive all Light that will come.
Now go to the next window.
When opening the window, say: “I open myself to Unconditional Love.”
Open wide the window and receive all Light that will come to you.
Go to the next window.
When you open that window, say: “I open myself to equilibrium.”
Open wide the window and receive all Light that will come to you.
Now, go to the next window.
Open that window and say: “I open myself to new things, the New World.”
Open that window wide and receive all Light that will come to you.
Go to the next window.
Open the window and say: I open myself to the Fifth Dimension.”
Open the window wide and say twice: “I open myself to the Fifth Dimension. I open myself to the Fifth Dimension.”
Open the window wide and receive all Light that will come to you.
You have only one window left; no, don’t open it yet.
In the last window, you will ask for something good for your soul, life, and the moment you live, something that, when it happens, will bring you much joy and happiness.
Then, when you open the window, say: “I open myself to…” and say what you want.
Now, receive all Light that will come to you.
Now return to the center of the room.
The Light is intense. It is a White Light, very bright.
It is as if those Light beams came to you and illuminated you inside.
Now close your eyes.
Feel a strong, vibrant, and powerful energy overtaking your body and soul, giving you courage, strength, belief, confidence, and faith that you will make it.
Now open your eyes.
No, you are no longer in that room full of open windows; you are in Nature.
You are in a beautiful place, with a waterfall in front of you.
You are seat out of water.
Look at your body.
You are shining.
All the energy of my Red Ray is acting on you.
No, you are not red.
The Red Ray can act on you and make you shine without necessarily leaving you red.
Feel all the energy of my ray running through your body.
Now you stand up and enter this small pond formed by the waterfall.
The water is warm and pleasant.
Now you start walking. Go walking to the place where the waterfalls.
Ao chegar perto, entre na queda da água. Não, ela não lhe machucará.
Esta cachoeira é a minha energia, ela está repleta da minha energia, do meu Raio Vermelho.
Receba toda esta energia em seu corpo, e sinta-se revigorado, sinta-se transformado, sinta-se equilibrado.
Close your eyes and step off the waterfall.
Don’t open your eyes. Let the excess energy you received dissipate in this lake. Repeat the words: “I am pure equilibrium. I am pure equilibrium. I am pure equilibrium. Now you can open your eyes and leave this small pond.
Seat on the pond margin again.
Feel the Sunlight shining on your body.
Close your eyes.
Breath profoundly.
And whenever you feel unbalanced, see yourself in this waterfall. Call for me, and I will be immediately in that waterfall energizing you and changing your imbalance into total equilibrium.
Breath deeply a few times and slowly come back to your consciousness.