Journey of Forgiveness – Nada – Seventh Round – Meditation 6

You can do this meditation sitting or lying down. Don’t forget that if you sleep, you must repeat this meditation.

Start breathing deeply sometimes.

Feel your body being flooded with the vital energy you derive from the air you breathe.

Notice how all your body is energized.

Continue breathing deeply.

I am beside you and place you inside a giant bubble of Red Light.

I put my hand on the crystal on your chest and activate it, so it starts emanating the energy of the Red Ray inside of you.

Feel this vibrating energy all over your body.

Continue breathing deeply.

Now see yourself fluctuating in space, involved by this bubble of Red Light.

Some connections insist on appearing from your feet.

Many don’t have any connection at all. It doesn’t matter. We are liberating all those connections that still remain and help you with maintaining them ruptured from now on.

Repeat with me:

“I ask my Higher Self to eliminate all the energetic connections with all my descendants on this life and all other lives.

May only Love and Gratitude for our coexistence remain.”

You will stay for five minutes within this bubble, receiving all the action of the Red Light on these connections.

After this time, you may not see yourself fluctuating. It doesn’t matter what you see; what matters is that the work is done.

Remember that each connection maintained must be eliminated, which will occur in tomorrow’s ray.

All ruptured connections were replaced exclusively with Love.

Any other feeling emanated concerning these connections will cause them to reappear.

So, emanate only Love, Gratitude, and Light so you can be free and maintain all the Souls from which you disconnected free. Ask my help if you need it, and I will be immediately beside you.

Breathe slowly and gradually come back to your consciousness and your world.

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