Journey of Forgiveness – Rowena – Fifth Round – Meditation 3

You can do this meditation sitting or lying down, whatever is most comfortable for you. Then, repeat the meditation if you fall asleep.

I involve you in a giant bubble of Pink Light, a bubble of pure Love of my Pink Ray.

Take some deep breaths within this Pink Ray.

Flood your body internally with this Pink Light.

You are entirely filled with the Pink Light, internally and externally to your body.

I put my hand on your chest and activate the crystal in your spiritual heart, and it will start emanating the Pink Light on your chest.

Feel this Love involving you, your journey, and your mind.

Repeat with me:

“Through my Higher Self, I command the elimination of all existing connections with my ancestors responsible for my lineage coming to this day. I am grateful to you, but now we are free.”

You will be in this state and immersed in the Pink Light for ten minutes.

Feel your heart lighter, loose and happy for releasing so many Souls.

Love prevails.

Always remember them with Love and nostalgia but without suffering, asking for help, only as people who passed your life and left their marks, whether positive or not. So then, follow your way, always looking inside. Forget what is outside.

The connections that you need are inside of you, not outside.

In the next 24 hours, you will be under the influence of my Pink Ray, emanating Love for all your ancestors. They will receive this entire process, your retribution of gratitude with much joy.

This is the movement of gratitude. Gratitude and liberation.

Now breathe slowly and come back to your consciousness gradually.

When you finish, do the prayer published in the previous video.

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