Journey of Forgiveness – Saint Germain – Seventh Round – Meditation 7

You can do this meditation sitting or lying down. As you already know, if you fall asleep, repeat the meditation.

Breathe deeply. Again and once more.

I want you to visualize yourself sitting in a chair, preferably in space.

There is nothing around you besides the universe and the stars, and you are seated in space.

Before you, there will be a portal. This portal will appear to you as you wish: a point of light, a small door, a large door, a curtain, whatever; you’ll see something in front of you that will be a portal.

Stand up and, with confidence, step through this portal.

Now you’re in a vast violet ball.

The walls shine and twinkle like stars.

There is no floor, but you don’t fall; you stand in the middle of this big Violet ball.

In front of you is another chair; sit on it.

You’re all wrapped up in my Violet Ray. You don’t see me, but I put my hand on your chest, and it starts emanating Violet Light.

Look at your chest and see the ball of Violet Light flickering around your body.

Now, I want you to close your eyes.

No matter how you feel, hear, or see in your mental vision, the process that will take place here is a complete breakdown of all the ties within you with anyone. Not just your antecedents, like your descendants, but all the connections you have created in your entire soul path; that is why it is such a giant bubble.

You will stay in this bubble for ten minutes, and the Violet Ray Light will act upon your soul, eliminating all those connections.

Now, open your eyes in the bubble.

On the horizon, you see the bright, beautiful sun.

You’re not floating in space anymore; you’re sitting on Earth.

All around you, no matter what you see, flowers, mountains, rivers, or nothing. Just desert and sand, nothing else.

But what matters most is the sun glowing on the horizon.

This sun lights your body and soul and prepares you for new heights.

You will be a few weak points higher when you finish this meditation. Don’t worry about whether you will notice it or not.

Be conscious of your path and choices. Your choices led you here, to this moment.

Repeat after me:

I am grateful to my soul for bringing me here, and we will continue our journey toward ascension together.

Now close your soul’s eyes.

And I’ll get you back to where you left off.

Inhale slowly, becoming conscious of your body and where you are now.

And rest assured, you’re on the right path.

Your next challenge is to stay on top of it.

I leave you all my love and energy of the Violet Flame.

Stay with it as long as you like, and be grateful for having gone through this entire process.

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