Do this meditation seated or lying down.
As you already know, if you sleep, you must repeat the meditation.
If you lie down, align your hands along your body with the palms facing up.
If you choose to sit, place your palms on your legs, facing up.
I am next to you and place my hands on your hands.
Start breathing.
Breathe deeply. One more time. One more time.
Now, wrap yourself in a giant bubble of White Light.
In it, take a deep breath, and as you exhale, put out everything you want to get rid of in your mind.
Breathe deeply into this White Light and exhale any low-vibrating feelings that may still be present in your heart.
Breathe deeply in this White Light and exhale any sickness or imbalance you may be experiencing right now.
Now my White Light fills all around and within you.
And you’ll be in this process for five minutes, and the souls will come to you so we can treat you all.
At this moment, repeat after me:
May my Higher Self
connect to the Higher Self
of every soul that has been here today,
and may I forgive or ask forgiveness
to each soul, depending on the walk.
If I have not seen any, I ask to be prepared for the following time.
Now, I place my hand on your chest and transmute the energy of that crystal into a crystalline White Light, and I will be with my hand on your chest for 5 minutes.
Now slowly come back to your consciousness, but the White Light will remain with you until the next ray.
Observe the balance.
Look for balance.
If you get out of balance, call me immediately, and I’ll be there to help you get back on track.
Take three deep breaths, and in your own time, at the speed you want, open your eyes, and come back to your consciousness.

1 thought on “Journey of Forgiveness – Seraphis Bey – Third Round – Meditation 4”
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