You can do this meditation while sitting or lying down.
But don’t forget, if you fall asleep, you must repeat this meditation.
Breathe at least three times deeply.
Meanwhile, I enclose you in a White Ray bubble. And activate the crystal in your chest to start emanating the White Light.
Continue to breathe deeply, filling each cell in your body with oxygen and white light, bringing balance and peace to each cell.
Breathe deeply in this White Light.
Now see yourself floating, surrounded by this aura of white light.
Beneath your feet, you can or can’t see the links still present with your descendants.
At this stage, repeat with me:
“I ask my Higher Self to eliminate every energetic bond with my descendants so that every soul becomes free and connected solely by Love and Gratitude.” You’ll stay five minutes with this picture in your head.
After that time, the image of you floating will fade away, and gradually you will return to your consciousness.
The White Ray will continue to act upon these connections until the next ray, gradually eliminating them.
As you look at each of your descendants, it is up to you to radiate only Love and Gratitude for the time you have spent together.
Don’t emanate any other feelings.
Nothing but good memories and good times.
Ask for forgiveness or forgive any negative feelings that may still exist, and wipe them out of your mind.
But get rid of it in your heart.
Only then will each of these connections be broken, making life easier, and you will feel your soul growing freer every day.
Breathe slowly and gradually return to your awareness.