Kuthumi – Journey of Ascension

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM KUTHUMI!

It is with great joy that I can be with you once again, bringing you another Code of Light. It is filled with my love, and my energy, to calm hearts, and bring balance and inner peace.

Don’t be afraid of anything, my brothers and sisters. The journey may seem very hard, very difficult, almost insurmountable. But I would say that this section of the climb to the ascent is the most difficult. It’s as if you’ve been put to the test of all the teachings you’ve received. The lessons become deeper, and harder so that faith and trust are tested.

The soul of each of you is like a tree, which creates bark around to protect itself. These shells have long since been removed, so that you can get to the inside, to what is really important for your soul to carry. The surface peels have long since been removed, and they came off easily. Maybe even with a little difficulty, but they came off.

Now, the deepest shells are not superficial. As I said, they’re deep. They have roots. Pulling them out is not easy or painless. You are at this point, where the lessons become more difficult. The paths become more complex. Important decisions have to be made. Letting go is necessary. So that the soul becomes lighter and lighter and the climb becomes easier.

The shells or burdens or chains, however you want to represent them, were accumulated throughout the soul’s existence. As trophies, as souvenirs, but above all, as parts not to be forgotten, so that they don’t happen again. But it’s no longer necessary to keep anything; on the contrary, everything that has been experienced is to be learned, not remembered. It’s to become something strong so that it prevents the soul from repeating the mistake. But you don’t have to keep it anymore. You don’t need to keep it as a reminder.

Saibam, meus irmãos e irmãs, suas almas viveram muitas coisas: boas e muitas não tão boas. And these are the ones who are coming back. These are the ones who are being stirred up to be forgotten. You see, they have to be forgotten, but they have to be learned, otherwise they won’t come out of it.

Each Code of Light that we are bringing you has the power to cut these roots a little, so that all these processes can be seen in a lighter way, without so much pain, without so much difficulty in being removed.  And believe me, by the end of this journey, a lot will have happened. You may not even notice it; it may even be easy to see or feel. But rest assured that at the end of the day, you will be much cleaner and lighter, because our aim is to strengthen you, so that you face each challenge, get through it, and learn the lesson.

And everything settles down for the next step, the next lesson. Have confidence in what we are doing. There are many Codes that you will receive. And each one is adding to the other’s work. And in the end, you’ll have a great fortress to strengthen and protect yourselves.  Trust in what is being done. There’s a lot of love involved. And the results are sure to be wonderful.

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