I see a bit of fear in the hearts of many. I know that you are apprehensive and, at the same time, anxious and curious about what is to come. So I’ll do a brief retrospective: go back to ten years ago, to 2012, when everything started, and the first step was made for the liberation of this planet; not the planning, but the actual step. So go back in time; see yourselves in 2012. What did you know, and what did you expect? Many believed 2012 would be the fateful year, but look at what year you are now.
Humanity has made a choice, the choice of saving this planet. The request was answered. Today, you are free of everything that blocked your world from the rest of the universe. But unfortunately, the great leaders who implemented that whole process in this country are no longer here. So then, what do we still have today? Their disciples, whose hearts resonate up until now with the energy that they have created. Those are souls who are not their souls anymore. Those are earthly souls and souls of other galactic beings who let themselves be lured by everything they promised and gave.
This is the remaining last stage. Yet, for this final stage to take place, it is necessary for all to have an open mind and to be, at least, ready to listen. I say to each of you that if the “Great Day” occurred today, but without the awakening of humanity, nothing would be good. Fear of auto-destruction would resurface because you (the great majority) would not be ready to receive the news and would greatly rebel.
The “Great Awakening” won’t be anything else besides an excellent energy wave of exceedingly high vibration. It will liberate your bodies of any ties and blockages placed in your minds. This is the great awakening. Many of you no longer have any device directing or manipulating you, but the majority still have. Then, these devices will be entirely destroyed by this exceptionally strong Lightwave. Liberation of your minds will take place.
Those who perceive everything with a mindset of … “There’s no way anymore. Everything is lost. The world is moving towards the end.” Those will begin to see that all this was a big disguise for them to wish and think that way. Then, the truth will come out, for no one will be led to hide anything anymore. No one will be compelled to abstain from saying anything. Those who know the “wrongs” of the people on the planet will feel entirely at ease to expose the truth and, foremost, its evidence.
No one will threaten them, no one will imprison them, no one will torture them, and no one will abuse them. This will be over, and everyone will feel compelled to tell the truth and expose anyone.
Many think they are ready for what you will get to know, but I can assure you that rottenness goes beyond what you imagine. Everything was deliberately done to remain hidden and pretty concealed, but all that will fall. There will be no more disguises, and everything will be exposed. Everyone will see each point deliberately done to remain hidden, and the realms will fall. The great companies will fall, and the great manipulators will fall, for the truth will be there, crystal clear, and thus there will be no way to say it is a lie.
Still, many enjoy living in this world and the power they hold; many enjoy the arrogant life they live, and it doesn’t matter if the truth comes out. They want to keep on living their lives. However, that won’t be possible anymore, for great fortunes won’t exist anymore. Everything will be redistributed throughout the planet. There won’t be any country, city, or human being debts anymore. All of this will be over. And who will pay for this? Those who have always taken over from you and accumulated fortunes through the human population’s poverty, illness, and suffering. They will pay this bill. Thus, for them, it won’t be easy at all. On the following day, they will suddenly see themselves with nothing.
And it will be at this point that the rebellions will begin; it will be at this point that the revolutions will begin. For they are not few. It’s not that they are the majority; no, most of the planet lives or survives daily. And this great majority will also rebel, as they will come to know that everything was there, in the hands of a few, while they were hungry and in need. But moreover, everything was well-planned and well-orchestrated; nothing was done mistakenly or carelessly.
Then, this will be your future world. Therefore, we ask you to emanate much Light and Love for your brothers. Only an immense and powerful Love wave will help these brothers to refrain from being as violent as they learned to be. Only that will help them not to want to take the law into their own hands. Thus, we need your help. We are powerful; we certainly are. All of us united can discharge a great egregore of Love and equilibrium on the planet, and we are doing that. So then, why do we need your help? Many asked themselves that question yesterday. Therefore, I’ll explain.
You are alone in a field. You are not emanating anything; you are there, alone; and, as you don’t emanate anything, you don’t have protections around you. Everyone will see you. And who are you? On what side are you on? You won’t be on their side because your entire evolution trajectory would be undermined. Also, you won’t be with those who have done everything wrong, for you also disagree with that. Then, for them, you will be fence-sitting. And, in all these circumstances, there won’t be a wall. It is one side or the other. So, how will you be? Unprotected because fear will begin to get to you no matter how strong you are.
Now, you are alone on that field, emanating much Light and much Love for your brothers. Does anyone see you? No, no one sees you. On the contrary, you will push them further away from you, but with much Love and Light. Thus, you are protecting yourself and, at the same time, helping them. This Love and light wave of yours will cover each of them, increasing the love quotient we are already discharging on the planet.
Thus, understand that this attitude is also a defense mechanism. And how will you defend yourselves? With a weapon in your hand? Of course not; your defense will be to emanate Love and Light constantly. And why are you alone in the field? Because those around you don’t resonate with you; therefore, you are alone. Yet, some people close to you won’t resonate well with everything they will come to know. So then, the assault might come from someone close to you, not so far away as you might expect; but people from your own house instead of a crowd on the street coming towards you.
Therefore, we reinforce the warning: withdraw and emanate Love and Light only. Do not reply to anything, do not retort to anything. If they want to yell, curse or talk, listen and stay still. Emanate Love and Light. Rebellion will be implanted in everyone’s heart. There’s no way for us to prevent that. What we are avoiding is conflict; we are doing everything to prevent conflicts from happening. Now, we can’t suppress the revolt in each one’s heart. And I will go further: you will rebel too because you don’t know everything yet. You see the tip of the iceberg, but you don’t know it as a whole. Therefore, here is another reason for you to withdraw and request our help to consume all that feeling of revolt and be able to emanate Love and Light.
Then, this is the action for each one of you. It’s not being afraid or anxious; it’s starting to prepare yourself today. For the Great Awakening is approaching quickly. Therefore, be ready. Be today, here, now, embraced in Love and Light. Emanate Love and Light for your brothers. And the more you emanate, the more that egregore around you grows, for you attract what you emanate. So then, you will become more and more a light ball.
Those who already see themselves as Light Pyramids on the planet, keep seeing yourselves this way, for you will form a great net worldwide. Thus, my brothers, this is the moment to emanate much Love and Light. This is the only attitude you must take.