Dear brothers and sisters of this beautiful planet! I AM KUTHUMI!
I like to observe how humanity behaves when faced with challenges. Some turn every stone into a step to climb; others prefer to destroy the stone, they prefer to feel strong enough to destroy it; and others simply make that stone a big obstacle and have no interest in getting it out of the way, because they simply see it as a wall, as something insurmountable.
What situation are you in, how do you see the obstacles? For each of these situations, there is a soul, there is a type of soul. Not all souls are the same.
When each soul takes on a physical body, it brings with it a good part of its characteristics. Never think that a soul stays in one place, it incarnates at various points on the planet; and I would say that some, between incarnations on Earth, incarnate in other orbs to bring wisdom and knowledge to her brothers afterward.
There are those souls who like to learn, who like to get to know new worlds, new cultures, and new paths, and it is these souls who use stones as stepping stones when they incarnate; they like challenges, they like to solve problems; they like to feel capable of overcoming anything. They are evolved souls, they are souls who seek the Light, they are souls whose journey is not 100% perfect, but they have an enlightened journey of learning and wisdom. All these characteristics, when they incarnate, are seen in the consciousness of the physical body to which they belong. And that being takes on all these predicates, all these characteristics.
There are those souls who don’t like challenges very much, they’re more rustic. They’re not complacent souls, no, they’re souls who like to shape, build, tear down, and lift. They are souls who like to create, create with their own hands, and create with their own merits. They are often very intelligent souls, and sometimes not so much, but they are souls who, when they see a large stone, immediately think about what they can do with it. They can turn it into pieces and build a new house; they can shape it and make a sculpture. So these are souls who like to create, shape, and transform, but they never see that stone as an obstacle, they see it as something they can grow into, change, transform, take the strength out of that stone and often even turn it into a work of art, like a great sculpture.
We have those souls who are more complacent. Yes, we have to use the term accommodating, because they are souls who don’t challenge themselves, they are souls who don’t seek evolution, they are souls who walk with the wind. If the wind is blowing strongly, they sail on rough waters and go far; if the wind isn’t blowing, they stand still, unable to pick up an oar. They are souls who think that everything that happens has to be absorbed and never challenged. So there’s nothing to do, nothing to change, nothing to learn. You just have to accept it. Accept the suffering, accept the pain, accept that stone in the road. The most they can do is try to look around and see if there’s a path; see if there’s a way past that rock. But if it’s a very closed forest, if there isn’t a path, you could sit there for millennia, without moving, waiting for something to make that rock move. They are fearful souls, souls who don’t want to conquer anything. They’re afraid of everything because they think that if they go around the path or try to find another way past that stone, they might find another stone. So they prefer to stay where they are, at least they know that there, the path is already known.
I wouldn’t say that they are weak souls, that they are lazy souls. Some are. Some go so far as to lie down and wait for whatever happens. If someone gives them food, fine, and if they don’t, if they die, that’s fine, they’ll do nothing. Yes, there are extremes. There are that souls who pray for the stone to move, but never do anything to make it move. They want someone else to come along and move the stone. They’re incapable of thinking about digging something up, finding another way, and trying to move the stone with the help of many. “No. If the stone was placed there, it’s because I couldn’t pass that way.” And they’re content not to evolve. They’re content to stand still; they’re content to learn nothing.
Of course, I’m using figurative situations here, but they very much reflect what souls are like. Of course, many may have characteristics of the three points I mentioned. Sometimes they are souls who want to evolve, sometimes they are souls who want to sit still and do nothing. But the characteristics of a soul always stand out. It may oscillate between several types, but it will always be one of these types of souls. And then I ask you: Which one do you fit into? No, I’m not making a judgment here. I’m not sitting before the stone, watching what you’re going to do with it. Neither am I, nor anyone else. This is just an observation of how souls see the world: as a challenge, as something that can be transformed, or as something that has nothing to be done, just accepted.
How do you see your difficulties? How do you see the world? It’s interesting to look at you from these angles, and we can see clearly that the vast majority of the inhabitants of this planet are in the third group; in that group where they look at that stone, sit down, cry, pray, rages, scream, but do nothing to remove it; they always want someone else to do something. They think the others are to blame; someone put that stone there. So whoever put it there should take it away, but who put it there? He is incapable of doing something, they’re incapable of trying to find a way out, they prefer to sit and cry. The vast majority are like this, unfortunately.
The other 2 groups are growing every day, and we would very much like these 2 groups to increase a lot in size so that more than half of the planet can ascend. There is still a little time because everything is happening for your evolution. The Light that arrives gives wisdom; the Light that arrives encourages; the Light that arrives provides the solutions. And we hope that with this, these more rested minds can find the way out of those rocks, and can regain strength to get through them and join the large group that is forming on the other side.
There’s no point in sitting and crying. There’s no point in blaspheming. There’s no point in shouting. The time is now to look at each challenge and overcome it, being sure that each one of them is a step that you are climbing; it is a point on the ladder of your evolution. So which path do you choose? Where are you right now? How are you viewing this entire process?
Do you have a little of each? So the time has come for you to choose which side you want really to lean towards; either to the challenge side or to the accommodation side. Choose, but choose quickly. You still have a little time, yes, but it may not be the necessary time for your evolution
Translated by Viviana Accorsi